I saw this film when it came out as a teenager and naïve enough to really enjoy it at the time. Now it just seems laughably bad with the “noisiest” asteroid since the one in Irwin Allen’s “City Beneath the Sea” in 1971.
I saw this film when it came out as a teenager and naïve enough to really enjoy it at the time. Now it just seems laughably bad with the “noisiest” asteroid since the one in Irwin Allen’s “City Beneath the Sea” in 1971.
I had to admit I approved of the redoing of some of the sfx in the special editions though, some were pretty obvious even when screening the Trilogy when they first came out (some of the Deathstar dolly shots, the “transparent” snowspeeders, the stopmo tauntauns, the stopmo Rancor, Jabba’s jittery sail barge, the…
So half of these films I don’t even like and of the rest I already have or seen and don’t need or care to see again. Let me pick 5o I’d want to actually add to my collection for the same price? LOL! Ain’t gonna happen!
So half of these films I don’t even like and of the rest I already have or seen and don’t need or care to see again.…
Does anyone remember that the reason this desperation drive was even necessary was because the "Legion of Bust" was handed a 10-point lead in the fourth quarter, then let Brady march down the field and score TD's TWICE and make Elway's "Drive" look like child's play? Looking back, this was really a joint-effort…
I remember seing the Buck Rogers pilot in theatrical release before the series, but it was quickly recognizable as a Glen A Larson production simply by the similarities in the sfx and sound f/x with the already-out-on-tv Battlestar: Galactica. In fact, Battlestar: Galactica did get a limited US theatrical release in…
Though have to admit the "Through a Mirror Darkly" episodes almost saved it.
The closest thing I had to this was Moonraker (which I saw first-run back in 1979). Critially panned as a Bond-style cash-grab on Star Wars (and skipping For Your Eyes Only in the scheduled film release order), this was still a great scene and looked awesome on the big screen (also thanks largely to an awesome John…
So just before the chutes deployed, the speed of descent was around 200mph, and was slowly decreasing to a stable point. That seems to be representing the terminal velocity of an object as aerodynamic as an SRB (about the same as a peregrine falcon in full-dive) in free fall.
Infection: "The Andromeda Strain" (1971): The entire town of Peidmont, Arizona (except for two survivors). Though it may have happened just before the beginning of the movie itself, the threat of the infection spreading existed throughout the movie. It may not count because the only lives claimed by Andromeda during…
Space Rocks: "When Worlds Collide" (1951); the tidal forces caused by the near-pass of planet Zyra (a/k/a Bronson Beta in the book) shown causing a tidal wave through New York in the movie. The earth wasn't actually destroyed until Bellis (Bronson Beta) at the end of the movie).
The 1953 version of "The War of the Worlds" was left out. There was a lot of action in Los Angeles in the movie during the third act. More than in that 2005 Tom Cruise close-up reel of a film.
Well, I'm a single and older guy, so I do feel kind of guilty even checking out fluffy kids animation. There's just not much of a market for older people for it (Ralph Bakshi and some anime films are good, but it's either kids stuff or hentai porn, with very little just plain old serious storytelling in-between). Sim…
I dunno about you, but I'd be a very nervous parent if my kid were visiting "chem-toddler.com"