Paul Acevedo

I get the idea that so many people disagreed with him at some point that he just stopped listening. But your feedback and those of Headphone Princess really would be useful to him, and hopefully avoid tumbles like this particular review. Usually I don't mind his TV reviews, but this one really is bad.

You should comment less.

And that issue of Astro City is free on Comixology, so we should recommend it to everybody.

A great idea, but… Can you imagine how bad the Braniac costume would be in this particular show?

You should read the first issue of Astro City (free on Comixology) to see that idea interpreted very intelligently. It's a great story, but also a bit sad.

Aww, you should at least read All-Star Superman. It's a complete classic and takes place in its own continuity. There's a pretty good animated film adaptation too.

It'd be awesome if she ended up as Lana Lang's niece like in the comics.

In General Lane's defense, he's actually fairly faithful to the comic character. In the comics, he's not just pigheaded but downright evil (while never believing himself so). And he turns poor Lucy into a villain, which is a nice bit of tragedy.

There's nothing to refute. Your original statement was wrong, and then you kept arguing for the sake of arguing. It was a waste of time.

Agreed, it wouldn't stay in the headlines forever or anything, but that wasn't the point Larry or I was making.

He was daringly rescued in transport with all officers killed. I read about two or three officers killed and car chases in California and other places all the time or see them on the TV news. If there's a shocking element to it, it gets reported on a wider scale. Whether or not it's something they go on about for

Because trolling is bad. You have better uses for your time, and you should aspire to be a good person rather than a bad one.

You'd be doing us all a favor if you did hold your breath though.

He's just trolling. Repeatedly and unsubtly.

The power-up did feel wasted. I'd have liked him to "purple out" more than just once.

Once you recognize him as a troll (which he gleefully is), there's not much reason to continue the discussion. He's not going to suddenly repent for being an asshat.

Don't act like you don't want another poke of that needle.

Hopefully they keep the baby out of it since it pretty much ruins Jessica as an interesting character in the comics.

Him not raping her in the comic was probably just a way for Marvel to reduce controversy by not making Jessica be a rape victim. That bit always read slightly hollow to me, although I do like the book much better than the show.

The bombings early in the series and the Kingpin's escape in the final episode would certainly be national news, even if they're less spectacular than alien invasions and whatnot.