Paul Acevedo

He was only kinda-sorta Solomon Grundy, to the point where most of us have to look it up to see the connection.

It was the most disappointing movie I saw that year and utterly stupid from a writing standpoint. The only reason I'll give this new movie a chance is because of that brilliant man featured in this article (and the lack of involvement from Orci and Kurtzman, two of the worst scriptwriters in Hollywood).

Don't be such a Raysh-ist.

I might have oversold by saying one of the best Superman stories, but the Bizarro Girl story (which is 1/2 or 1/3 of the trade, Supergirl Volume 9) is definitely the best Supergirl story I've read, period. Any girl who likes Supergirl would love it.

Alex did get Donovan killed and nearly got herself killed last episode in a fit of bad character writing…

That's a really weird thing to say, and AGent Carter will certainly never come close to approaching Flash's popularity. Especially if the second season isn't some dramatic improvement (and I liked the first okay).

That's a real thing that happens though, rejected guys doing evil things.

No, you really should watch Justice League. It's fantastic.

Thanks for pointing that out. Alex sucked hard in this episode.

Said no one else ever. And you didn't even have the decency to justify your trolling to the people who called you out for it.

I was pissed at her for getting that guy killed.

It's definitely frustrating to comic fans to see three heroes turned into villains so far, and all killed off to boot. I hope they don't keep squandering heroes like that. There are so many C-list villains they could use instead.

That line in the pilot was because he thought she was coming out as a lesbian to him.

Pa Kent is such an asshole in that movie. Not to mention crazy.

He should drop the weight and come back for some action, now that he has a show again.

Many viruses don't leave the body - they just get neutralized or go dormant. But the show was kind of vague about the science of the virus, I thought.

There's still a mistake in the review:

When he said a black character is killed every season, that was under the assumption that Andrew had been killed. That's what the showrunners wanted us to think, so you can't blame the reviewer or anyone else for believing it to be the case.

Yeah, apparently it is. Really strange way to advertize the movie though, painting Superman as a bad guy. The next trailer they put out is way better, even if it spoils Doomsday.