Paul Acevedo

Laura comes back to life because of Mad Sweeney's coin. That should be obvious from it sinking down to her grave when Shadow gives it to her, that it glows inside of her now, that she thanks Shadow for it, and that Mad Sweeney dearly wants it back. He also explicitly states that he will help her get properly

We can only hope.

*cricket sounds*

I think you're all forgetting that Fitz and Aida have designed a machine that generates living human bodies, such as the one that Aida plans to inhabit. She could easily build a body for Evil Fitz as well.

I blocked you, too, jackass.

You should comment less.

Guess I missed those moments, heh.

Maybe Supergirl could pine for someone only to shut them down when they finally express feelings for her. Oh, wait…

Oh, right. My bad.

Why would Roulette be locked in the cage? She was the one selling the people as slaves. She walked around freely and sort of taunted Supergirl and the other captives at one point.

She appears to travel between the two planets freely, not as a captive.

Don't worry; "one of the better episodes this year… so far" is implied.

But he was so wooden and uninteresting. Ward is a massive jerk, but at least he's a hateable bad guy rather than a nobody.

The Netflix shows don't connect well with the movies at all. Avengers Tower is nowhere to be seen (despite being a very easy effect, and some of the shows featuring big shots of NYC skylines) and movie characters are repeatedly, obnoxiously mentioned as vague nicknames rather than their actual nicknames. Yeah, seeing

Let's hope this show would depict him better than Arrow did.

No need to be gross about it.

Besides, my relationships don't take precedence on my relatives' birthdays. Alex and Maggie should've included Kara in their plans.

Nice insights! I think you meant diverge, not divulge, though.


Much of Season 3 was pretty terrible, other than that great episode on the alien planet. But this season really came back stronger than ever.