Paul Acevedo

I wish they'd release this movie on Blu-ray. There really aren't many animated films like it.

Whatever the motivation is, it's still fridging.

Huh! I watched the show first and came away in full agreement with the reviewer. I think when they fridged Coulson's girlfriend, they just lost some of us who were invested in her and their relationship.

Well, if you're going to be a cock I will not bother talking to you. Good day sir.

It's cool if it doesn't bother you, but it's a pretty common reaction among Super-fans. Supes (like Kara) is a good guy, not a villain.

I'd welcome another body if it meant they redesigned the costume and put someone else's mind in it other than Morrow's. He was a go-nowhere character in this episode.

You hit a box full of nails on the head, man… Other than Red Tornado's powers, which I thought looked a lot better than his terrible costume.

I agreed with everything you said. Have a cookie! :-D

Upvoting yourself is super lame. Why seek the negative attention?

Yeah, the eyes were the only redeeming feature of the design.

And maybe have him not fail so spectacularly at Game Night.

That's Livewire, though - an awful shock jock. Though they could have gotten by with the Timmverse level of awfulness for her, I suppose.

You can't expect people who really like Superman/girl to buy what that teaser is selling, though.

Astro City is so great, and that Samaritan story totally got me hooked.

But they wasted that concept, unless there's another body somewhere that we don't know about.

I definitely didn't buy it. That episode was poorly written compared to the rest.

Time for an upgrade, dude.

Dr. Koslow and the group behind Nuke are IGH.

Ant Man fit fine in the original book; he'd have been perfect for the show as well… If it was willing to be a bit less dour now and then.

But they all have great American accents, so that would never work.