Paul S

Also requisite: EVE is for crazy people.

Dude, this is Mario, not Sonic.

Set to be the international broadcast center for the 2020 Olympics, so expect to see a lot of it during the games.

I’ve seen, and more importantly, own a lot of bad fighting games. Some are so goofy that it’s worth getting others to play.

Yep, that’s my collective experience at parties and family gatherings of my entire life summed up. That, or looking for computers, consoles or just interesting old stuff.

I’ve met him a few times back in the days of Seasons Beatings, and he’s still one of the genuinely nicest guys I’ve ever met. Hell, he even held open a door for me once. I even got him to autograph my copy of Shaq Fu, which now sits on a small easel on my game shelf.

“Yo, check out my 360, no defib resuscitation skills! Got a mad life-saving streak going, five tracheotomies in a row!”

You are actually on to something.

A reminder that the composer, Koichi Sugiyama, is a hard nationalist that has publicly denied Japanese war crimes committed during World War II. This has really soured my perception of the series, and I know I’m not the only one.

Or one with posts debating if Smash is a fighting game or not.

And all you get are dumb kids who poorly recite old racist jokes they heard in the playground.

Don’t forget his batshit insane religious works.

It’s still a bad game made by an asshole. That’s not going to change.

I knew I seen all those shots before...

That’s Hong Kong Dollars, which would make that $2.95 USD.

In this game, you can ejaculate on people and all they will do is briefly complain and then go on like nothing happened. However, if you touch a bottle of booze the resident meathead will cave your skull in.

Most of that was due to rising costs of chips at the time. You can see why most of the industry embraced optical storage in the following generation. CDs are hell of a lot cheaper to produce and print compared to PCBs.

Would “referential masturbatory garbage” be too harsh of a take?