Paul S

Like a Dragon’s Goro/Taiga boss fight was such a giant leap in difficulty I just put the game down and never finished. I was getting beat so bad it wasn’t even a challenge I wanted to try. 


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Now playing

Someone needs to update this for gamers;

“I was harassing someone and then they made me stop. I want you to believe that I started hating them when they made me stop and not when I was harassing them, despite the fact that this implies that my harassment was not motivated by my hate for them but instead motivated by belief that I have the inalienable right


They write things I disagree with therefore they are shady”

I didn’t have ‘Pinkertons start gunning down American workers’ on my ‘what part of forgotten history will we relive this year?’ card, but I can’t say I’m too surprised.  Fight on workers, last time it got us weekend, hour limits, workplace safety standards and more, if we’re going to repeat the shitty parts of

Well, playing a piece composed by a right wing nationalist asshole is certainly on brand for all the other people with problematic behaviors and statements the Japanese Olympic organizing committee just glossed over.

It should be easy, but “don’t be an asshole” often translates to “SJWs can’t handle my personality and humor because they’re all a bunch of snowflakes” to some of these people.

Not totally sure about the shower part.

Most of the nerds who fit into that classification tend to have low to no self esteem and can even rebel against basic hygiene due to a shitload of them being massive introverts who only feel ‘ok’ and ‘safe’ around their type who ...shocker, also have little care for hygiene.

Hygiene Standards.

“Take a fucking shower and don’t be an asshole”. What’s to push back against?

man I fuckin wish


I’d argue this is a good week for the FGC if only because people are finally brave enough to share their stories and out the criminals and their enablers. This is a cleansing by fire that appears far overdue which hurts in the short term but hopefully makes the FGC stronger in the long term. And I don’t want to make

And...if they are doing the kind of shit that is getting people banned left and right now then so be it.  I would rather a half FGC than a full one with racist, pedos and homophobic jerks any day of the week. Not exactly a loss in my book.

I fixed it. You look like a Scott.

I apologize for continuing the mistake.

I’m seriously afraid of him becoming a victim of karoshi.