Paul S

For the record, nobody was cosplaying as Steve Buscemi’s ashes.

Perhaps they can get a better scriptwriter as well. Holy hell, was the dialog in this game bad.

There’s some really well done cel-shaded models in this game.

There is going to be so much Robot Chicken mic-spam.

Now playing

A decade ago, this was considered an unflattering stereotype:

Konami sits in the easy chair, three days growth of beard on his face and today’s fifth beer in his hand. The television is showing any one of the many courtroom series in syndication; it doesn’t matter which one and Konami doesn’t care. Dishes are piling up in the sink. The garbage needs to be taken outside. There

“Legion, what are you looking up on the computer?”

At the time, cartridge based games were getting really expensive. Mortal Kombat and Chrono Trigger was around $70, Earthbound was almost $80, Phantasy Star III nearly $100. It was ridiculous.

It would of cost around $120.00 as well.

Well, the last fighting game it was in wasn’t terribly memorable:

This is getting fixed before release, right?

Not too long ago I took apart a Xbox One that had gotten incredably caked up to these levels. My boss was utterly dumbfounded at how it could of happened in something so relatively new.

Oh, I know all too well. Until recently, I was working at a crummy computer shop. The smokers are the worst by far, all that yellow dust and crud that cakes up everything. There was one custom build that took nearly a week to clean since it was so bad.

So really all Konami is doing is putting out a lot of hot air.

Well, his dancing is better than his skill at saving the world.

Where’s the salad?

Considering how much both the manga and the anime referenced Guilty Gear, I’m pretty sure that it was no coincidence that the older Bridget in the pachinko game looks like Kosaka.

Heh. lava lamp next to the setup. Reminds me of Planet Quake.

Yep. The very first game of TFC I ever played was on that map. Computer lab at Columbus State. Good times.