
Mad that they cast a black guy AND complaining that Faye isn’t basically naked. Wow, you’re just full of shit takes huh? Are you going to tell us about Gamergate next?

Why? Why do you care? It’s a made up space ship show about made up space ship people, on a made up space ship. What difference does it make if they cast actors that don’t necessarily look like the made up cartoon space ship people for the real life made up space ship people?

If the show is good, the show is good. If

“Its like a fucking law now or something, they just cant adapt something and leave ALL of it intact, AS IS.”

Earn $1,000 to Watch the First Five Seasons of ‘Friends’

I’ve broken *many* more Lightning connectors than USB-C connectors.  Also, USB-C doesn’t have electronics in the cable, which was always stupid.

Every ipod Ive ever had only broke because the stupid lightning port stopped accepting a charge. Lightning is a terrible piece of tech and I cant wait to never see it again

If by “alternative” you mean “terrible” and “uniformed”, you’d be correct!

You’re really going to differentiate between all the darn iterations of the same systems? Seems redundant and disingenuous.

Uh, the U.S government bailed out GM and Chrysler (twice) and I’m not sure about Ford.

So yes, GM *was* “Government Motors” for a short period of time.

This is the most important one:

Alternatively, a simple answer to all of the above:
I’ve been sitting in that uncomfortable seat for hours and my legs/knees stretching.

“...I leisurely stand up, grab my things, and saunter casually off.”

Your comment = unnecessary. 

Just one quick look into the recycling bins in my apartment building justifies my theory that the human race only has about 20 years left, so bringing kids into this world of shit is a pointless exercise.

What does this have to do with simplifying regulations? Everything was going according to plan before Trump decided to get involved. His people are the reason things are so complicated all of a sudden.

Relative to profits, wages have been stagnant for about four decades. An anecdote about wages of a few individuals doesn’t change that.

I haven’t washed any of my cars since 2016, so... No.

It’s like in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? when Roger slips out of the handcuffs, and Eddie says, “You mean you could have gotten out of those at any time??” and Roger replies, “No! Only when it was funny!”

Yes, and you should feel bad about this.

i=It doesn't matter what you plate a hdmi cable with, it makes no difference to the visual or audio quality as it's digital. Your information is not only incorrect, it's a complete fabrication.