haha, Madagascar roaches
haha, Madagascar roaches
I think a lot of guys hate the victoria's secret stuff, BBW is not that bad. But they would rather we smelled clean and slightly floral, like we just bathed in a brook near a meadow of wild flowers.
Oh shut your venus fly trap Jezebel the commercial is charming! It's the fragrance I can't stand, i'm sure Axe (especially that chocolate one) repels more women that it attracts. They should really work on their formulations, they're heavy and make dudes smell like they're trying too hard. I suspect that their…
At this point I really hope to god that she had much more serious issues in her life and that this was just the scapegoat. For someone to abandon their husband and children over something so fucking trivial would be an even greater tragedy.
It's correct, you've 'you & have'. Americans don't speak this way but many English people do.
He doesn't have to be a virgin (c'mon that would leave me and half of bible camp). However, he does have to see sex as something special, a spiritual connection and more often or not that means being very selective. As you know, most human beings are shitbags, especially when it comes to love,sex,relationships.…
I didn't say I was aristocratic, but I'm far from common. Sorry if standards offend you, oh wait, scratch that. I really couldn't give a flying fuck.
It's not preggy emotions my dear, I'm tearing up too and yet I'm far from preggy :(
*slow claps*
I too am repulsed by the idea of sleeping with someone who has 'slept with the whole world', I would feel like every time I had sex with them I was sleeping with all the other women or men they had previously mounted. For me, sex is a spiritual experience and I would prefer to make love/fuck someone who values that…
Why did this headline need a 'but' or a comparison/competition of who has got it worse? Men are suffering BUT WOMEN HAVE BEEN FUCKING DYING FOR THIS SAME SHIT FOR YEARS NAHNAHNAH BLAW BLAW BLACK SHEEP HAVE YOU ANY FUCKING WOOL.
A booty implant gone terribly wrong. And Natalie Cole's dress looks like a bottle of Pepto Bismol.
Girlfriend you need to drop that selfish loser *snaps neck*
Yea I live on a Caribbean island (Jamaica), and we get our fair share of hurricane threats. So I can say YES they definitely bring out the best in myself and my neighbours. Hurricanes can be life-changing, and force you to appreciate the fact that you're sharing a memorable life experience with these folks-something…
The grip point. That's amazing, im gonna have to share this. Thanks.
Jesus chrise. Litanies of Satan?? Jeeeesas Chrise *repeats the lord is my shepherd*
Holy sheeeet, you were not kidding. It's after 2 am in Rome, I'm alone in my apartment and I nearly pissed my pants upon viewing her site.
" It is a sun baked warthog corpse that was long ago picked to the bone by an eager, nervous internet liberal clusterfuck of circling joke vultures."
It's her money and she can spend it any fucking way she chooses.