
Newspeak has arrived. Orwell is spinning in his grave. Erasure has begun. Be very very afraid. [posted anonymously by an unperson]

Honest question: Do you think abortion is really the issue there, or is it that support for anti-abortion candidates overlaps closely with support for white candidates? In other words, are they hiding behind one seemingly unimpeachable voting issue to disguise another, less savory motive?

A democrat just won in alabama. Take what you can get. The gop threw their entire weight behind a candidate in their safest state, openly betraying even the slightest shred of the morals they claim to have, Trump went in head first and they lost.

They know they are not safe anywhere.

In some good news for the planet, France has decided to troll Trump in an epic, and entirely French, manner.

I don’t worry about Sanders’ self-esteem. What I worry about is the message it sends to others, particularly young girls: “everyone knows that being fat is a worse crime than defending a racist”. Meaning if you are a nice girl who happens to be fat the message is you should be ashamed of yourself, because the person

The super-evangelical part of his base wants this to bring about the end times and have Jeebus return to earth. I wish I were kidding.

Flynn will Flip, Flip, Flipadelphia!

The selection of tweets in today’s Barf Bag includes quite a few from yesterday and only two from today (not that I’m complaining; it’s getting hard to keep up these days!). But in accordance with the official Code 45* rule book, because we use only the freshest ingredients to (half) bake our products, we will be

“In the next few years, we’re either going to have an economic recession (like we do roughly once every ten years...”.like we do every time the Republicans gain any modicum of power over the economy.

I would like to create a child.

I would just like to share the greatest uniform ever.

If Roy Moore loses, it means redder-than-a-baboon’s-ass Alabama is sending the rest of us another Democratic senator.

So nothing else happened for 4 years, and then this person enters SAA all of a sudden? Am I missing something here?

Umm no, W. is a war criminal, people need to stop treating him like he is a good person. The bar is so low that Americans would welcome back a war criminal. FFS.

Honestly, Negan sounds like he was written by a middle schooler who just discovered Tarantino.

Oh hey look, another quality the Trump administration shares with the Nazi Party. The Nazis hated people with disabilities and wanted to get rid of them. What’s the best way to start? Take away their rights in the education system.

Just in case this didn’t crop up here before now.

Didn’t they do some study where self-identified conservatives had a more-active-than-average amygdala (the part of the brain that expresses fear)?

To all my normal, rational American friends, I am so sorry you are being held hostage by a bunch of gun nuts who are opposing every simple solution to a malignant problem.