Pat S.

I was thinking he might have gotten it prior to chillin' in the brothel where he got Tyrion.

Highly disagree on the gross.

Sounds like the Panchero's on South U in Ann Arbor. The best part of those fantastic burritos is the fact that they mix up your chosen fillings so you get an even portion in every bite.

I thought that whooshing sound was just an airplane.

Seriously, Darkstar? That guy is the worst.

Maybe that, but not the rest of it. I'd be fully in favor of taking all cool characters' deaths in the Ned Stark offscreen way.

I thought it was EXTRA brutal - my head-movie while reading it was gross, but nothing as gross as that. Not the mental image I wanted when going to bed.

It had better be a ten-minute supercut of Mountain agony to make up for that way-too-gory-onscreen death.

Way over the top if you ask me. As much as they made us like Oberyn, they really could have Ned Starked it and just given us the offscreen gore after that much character-death oompf.

Hologram scene = perhaps the funniest technology-driven scene in history.

Yeah, they really need to figure out a better character track beyond "hot supportive girl" for Amanda Crew. Who I admittedly find really, really attractive.

In the book, she gives him three kittens (including Ser Pounce) as a gift to gain his trust. It makes sense that they changed this a little, because I doubt someone Tommen's age (I'm guessing he's supposed to be 12 or so) would be swayed only by some kittens.

Yeah, I don't have a good feeling about her fate after that whole "Are you sure she left?" "Yep, totally on the boat even though I didn't really see it" conversation.

Yep. Totally Celt-analogous.

Does shellfish count? I could go through life replacing every steak with a crustacean or mollusk of my choice and be more than OK with it.

Get some burnt ends next time you're in KC. They are life-changing barbecue.

Accurate and appropriate Hitler reference on this one!

So you think, until the mother's dead (as predicted) and somehow Barney and Robin split up. Aunt Robin will be Stepmom Scherbatsky.

Right with you! My sixteen-year-old self especially so!

OK yeah, that would suck, but they're not exactly handing Constitutional Amendments out like candy. (Exception: involvement of Kurt Russell.)