Pat S.

One of the odd things about this election has been watching the National Enquirer go completely in the tank for Trump. Each time I'm at the supermarket there are covers about "What the President is doing for YOU" and it just makes me wonder what happened to the pictures of skeletal celebrities and their subsequent

They asked Buchanan the same thing about her and he said they were friendly. According to him, they share a love of cats.

That was the idea. Fuckin' Nazis: just bombing you wasn't enough.

It's the inverted American brainspace:

Three bits of stupidity I found annoying:

At least the show has the escape clause of "uh … magic!" woven into its universe.

Considering the root of most "PC" terms is "Hey, it's painful when you use that word and I'd prefer you use this one instead", the anti-PC stance usually comes down to "I prefer acting like a rude asshole."

Not the only time I've heard this!

"They have similar messages of redemption, but the Sparrow sees atonement through strict personal suffering, while the septon sees atonement through good works."

I think I wanted to see more than that he just went right back to murderin' without discovering some higher purpose. (And I'm a big McShane fan.) But that was probably wanting something nice for a favored character, which is dangerous with this show.

"Oh wow, great actor Ian McShane playing fascinating character Septon Meribald! Can't wait to see what he does with this juicy role."
/killed for cheap revenge plotline
"We had to show that the world is, like, violent, and that violent stuff totally happens."

They could have at least had him take out some wights before dying. Instead they had him jump directly into a group of already-chopping blades like a complete dumbass, then added that super sad dog yelp just to make it suck more.

If anything, all this pleasant stuff is just a huge "Shields up" warning.

Rickon and Osha = book Mance and the spearwives on some covert stuff, and the dead Shaggydog is a fake. (I hope.)

I used to work in that mall. My manager showed me one of the hallways from the movie, which was as exciting as a painted cinder-block hall can be.

Jalopnik primarily exists to advocate that car companies produce more '80s-Volvo-esque station wagons. Preferably in brown.

Tawmmy from Quinzee, is that you?

You need to rewatch "Road Trip" - aside from Tom Green, it holds up well. (The car-jump scene is under-appreciated.) Also nice to relive the American college experience circa 2000.

Loras vs Ser Strong?

"I want to believe that this rape is not simply being used as an escalation of Ramsay’s evil, given that it would be highly unnecessary."