Pat S.

Black and Tans were much more of a secret-police / state-terror thing than a fascist organization. They weren't true believers so much as unemployed WWI veterans with nothing better to do than to go beat up some paddies for government pay.

"Hitler beat up my baby's daddy!" - NEXT ON SPRINGER

You don't really get the chance though - at the in-person audition, they give you a board with only about a third of the normal amount of clues, then just want to see you answer a few and click the buzzer. Not much chance to go wild on betting strategy, or even to bet at all.

Yep. As long as the Germans were on French soil, and particularly the iron and coal fields of northeastern France that allowed Germany to continue the war using their enemies' resources, the French felt compelled to drive them out. Eventually all those offensives (the core of French doctrine) exhausted their army and

Wait, Toby Keith? He did the "Boot Up Your Ass" song but he's also a registered Democrat and regularly appears on Colbert. Or at least he did those things a year ago.

Does Sausalito count?

Yep. This is the only explanation for guys who could come back from fighting to save Europe and think segregation and racial terror was A-OK.

Bates will get up in a dude's business Boer-War style.

I don't know why Fellowes didn't bring the Irish-republican thing back for Tom at this point. If they wanted to give him an intense reason to want to bail out, and show how he's not over the class issue at that point, there was plenty of historical drama going on in Ireland circa 1922.

Worst part: I read an article once where some nuclear scientists said that was the most realistic depiction of a nuclear attack's effects in any movie.


No mention of the merlot industry getting boned by "Sideways"? While the sales-figure drop was anecdotal, every self-important person I met in 2005 was suddenly hating on it.

PaNoire, probably because it's a girl talking about fucking, which is never not a turn-on. Context be damned!

Vincent's Pizza in Forest Hills. And it closed recently! I wept.

True story: I grew up in Pittsburgh and my dad and I gave Mr. McFeely and his son (who was playing Purple Panda) a ride from the end of a parade we were all in to their car. Super nice dude and totally not a perv!