
@Apoch: Second Sam's Club. While I hate to give more money to the Waltons, their price can't be beat (I've bought pampers there for my twins since they were born [2 yrs ago]). Their prices beat any price at any grocer with any coupon in my locale. Just the savings on a year's diapers for 2 babies pays for the

@savedsoul: This is a pet peeve of mine: 10 of us in a room (boss and 9 underlings), each giving a status report to the boss in turn, wasting every single one of the other 8 underling's time. If other people can benefit from hearing my status report, good, but it not, why are we all there?

@jopari: What jopari means is that this comment will appear in my browser at the end, after the last comment. It won't appear "nested" until I refresh the page. Everyone else will see this comment in the "nested" place.

This rocks! Thanks YE!

@PatsFan: This is really odd...

@Xoke: There you go.

@ben.shepherd: Agree completely! People shouldn't rely on e-mail for crucial, real-time communication. If it's *that* important, give me a call or stop by my desk.

Thanks jaredharley, that's almost what I'm looking for.

Anyone know of a similar utility for those of us still running Win2K? I've used a command-line tool called jhead, but would really like a GUI for convenience. Anyone?

Your best bet is to use Steve Gibson's password generator and KeePass to avoid having to memorize them. Gibson's password generator gives you 64 random hexadecimal characters (0-9 and A-F), 63 random printable ASCII characters, and 63 random alpha-numeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). This is great security, and

Tips from my wife's ear-nose-throat doc, all designed to keep your mucus membranes moist:

I've been one to complain about posts here before, but it's usually waaay too many "Download of the Day" posts that, after reading several user comments, wind up being utter crap. This wastes time, a lot of it.

Agree. Why couldn't the Process Scanner people deploy the process list and associated descriptions with the installed client and provide a way to update it on demand? The list of recognized processes should be fairly static and would probably be updated concomitantly with virus/spyware/etc. process lists. That way

I love instant maple and brown sugar oatmeal...but it's 160 calories per packet. Can a DIY M&BS oatmeal beat that, and be as tasty? I've tried adding maple syrup and brown sugar to plain oatmeal but it's not as good. Is there some sort of secret ingredient?

Google Toolbar for Firefox

KeePass + GRC Password Generator = Crazy Security

My head gets too cold when I shave it...air-conditioned bars after summer softball games make me go back out to the car for my ballcap. If I were balding I think I would try all the countermeasures I could.