
They need to learn how to ‘architect’ their lives....

If these workers don’t like their jobs, why don’t they just hire two or three career counselors? Or ask their dad for a job?

I do think that’s what he meant but not as a backhanded compliment. I think he is genuinely astounded someone her age could be so attractive.

I can’t. I can’t make jokes about this, or find it funny, or think “oh jeez THIS guy” or any of that fucking bullshit. Because at the end of the motherfucking day, I am raising my daughter in a world that is REGRESSING instead of PROGRESSING in terms of women’s rights and that makes me fucking sick to my stomach. It

And everyone knows he meant, “for your age.”

There is literally nothing sad about this.

If I had to die, being blown to death would pretty much be at the top of my list.

You trying walking a runway in some of those shoes, see if you come out completely unscathed. I wouldn’t even try.

I hate how right you are.

I’d like to think “oh he did this because he’s stupid” but honestly I think he did this because 1: they’re fucking untouchable at this point and 2: his supporters don’t give a shit, they see nothing wrong with it. When Trump said that he could fucking shoot people and not lose any supporters, he meant it. Strap in,

Heeeey, no need to sully the good name of mutts. Mutts are the best.

Yeah, I knew what I was getting. That’s why I voted against the sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, incestual, paranoid, idiotic, treasonous, poorphobic, greedy, eduphobic, evil, climate denying shit pile.

Was it a clumsy analogy, sure, but it’s like the Winter is Coming, some people hear it all the time, so they live with it and confront it on a daily basis, other peoples have never been exposed to it, because of their climate privilege, but then they are exposed to all these snowflakes and OH MY GOD WINTER IS COMING,

While the effort is appreciated, the process itself should perhaps remain behind closed doors.

What did Cheetolini say this time? I’m watching Predator at work and don’t feel like clicking the link to his Twitter feed.

I was all ready to storm in, guns blazing, in defense of Wonder Woman but after perusing the article, I’m...not quite sure what question is she’s even being asked, or even what the point is she’s trying to get to, really, and ended up realizing the flow of the conversation seems really strange and almost, in a way,

Either way Zillow messed up because now I know about McMansion Hell and I want to see it.

Posting on Twitter helped her locate a lawyer with expertise in this area, as the article outlines

Why? All she did was post the letter they sent. She was already contacting lawyers before she posted it. And because of this, she’s getting a lot more attention for her case. Which might actually be the thing that gets Zillow to back off.

Didn’t they say she was 23? That’s all they know.