
I wish more people/companies/whatever would be honest enough with people that they can say “Well.. we fucked up.”

If he was in on the joke he wouldn’t have needed to put out this whiny statement.

That’s kind of scary. Because it tells us that prominent gun rights advocates can afford to give so few fucks that they aren’t worried about looking like psychopaths in front of the entire world.

Not participating in social media at all seems like the best thing to do these days.

Ugh. Shit like this is why I try to keep my personal life, my business life and my social media accounts as separate as possible, and urge others (especially those working in the gaming industry) to do the same. It’s just not worth assholes trying to ruin your life.

Israel is an apartheid state and a colonial state imposed on Palestinians, it has no right to exist.

Abbott is a reflection of is electorate. He represents one of the most lillywhite - backwards and affluent areas in the whole country.

There’s also a pretty big national appetite for institutionalised racism. That might explain him.

True, but never forget:

The actor is just brilliant, bringing to life and giving flesh to a deeply complex and nuanced character unlike any character we’ve ever seen before. He can say more with a glance or a gesture or a subtle change in posture than most actors can with an entire page of dialog. Amos is the best character on TV, and I hope

I love how Amos is drawn to people with gentle compassion like a curious moth to a flame. You can almost feel his respectful confusion.

“Happy” is the death of drama for genre fiction. The fight for inclusion for all historically marginalized groups shouldn’t result in happy endings. Boring stories are happy.

Every person who suggests, or hell, even just thinks about a “pivot to video” without getting nauseous should be fired from any job required critical thinking and cut off of the internet for at least a year so they can contemplate their idiocy.

I’m not reading that the game is anti-violence. I am reading that the dev wants to make the violence less about fun and more about engagement with what violence really looks like.

Headshots, getting killed point blank with a shotgun, being stabbed, or getting blown up are often reproduced in fictional ways for games.

I believe it is. The brutality and intensity is completely necessary for the kind of game they’re making. If you’re horrified and bothered by the violence it means they’re doing their jobs right.

Forced gay? Did not think the catholic church was still arround. I’ll see myself out.

I have seen a couple of sites trying to make a fuss out of this and say that homophobia was some sort of skeleton in Fred Rogers’ closet. But that is really judging people of half a century ago by the morality of today. It is amazing that Clemmons wasn’t fired. Gay people (especially men) around children was regarded

I’m reminded a lot of Indigo Prophecy from this and I don’t think they should have gone that route

time stone, brah. time stone.