
Was there ever?

This is weird...and makes me feel...things. I feel like this is really trying to scare women into buying into this. I feel like the name is awful. I feel like a series of photos of a dude about to punch someone who is ostensibly you is whoa. I feel like totally ignoring men as victims of abuse also kind of sucks. I

ME3 honestly did microtransactions right. No pressure to purchase, ensured DLC was free. On top of that, it allowed Bioware to release I believe 5 MP DLC packs.

from what i can tell, barristan is dead (at least judging by the preview for next week/the interviews) and grey worm is still alive.

For book readers:

Oh, it’s a step forward, but it’s important to note that he hasn’t changed his stance at all. He believes businesses should make decisions about their practices concerning trans* folks, which means he believes they should be able to discriminate.

I maintain it was “Punch Drunk Love”. He wasn’t trying to be funny for once, and it made for a really poignant look at the normalcy of being broken. I was really hoping he’d do more work like that. Or at least more like Happy Gilmore, which was just fun-stupid instead of mean-stupid.

I’d love to see some of the fights you think are entertaining! Please share with the class—you can embed videos in comments.

Can I just say fuck you to the guy who invaded my game on Monday?

Now playing

Shit interviewer? Haha. Completely. But sometimes he is so shit he makes someone else look brilliant. RICHARD I LOVE YOU.

The fact that I’ll probably end up voting for Hillary reminds me of an episode of the Hercules TV show where he wins the class election and is confused that he has little support. “We didn’t vote for you, we voted against Adonis.” Still one of the best political lessons I’ve ever learned.

Yeah, I don’t feel a drop of enthusiasm voting for this warmongering anti-gay lying slimeball asshole. She’s better than anyone the GOP will field, but she’s still fucking awful. What an indictment of our failed political system.

I agree with that assessment. Given the absolute repugnance of all of the potential Republican nominees, Clinton is simply the lesser of the two potential evils.

I think the number of people holding their nose and voting for Hillary will far outnumber those supporting her ecstatically.

Huh. A beef texture that was rubbed in fish juice.

I’ve prepared tons of sauces using fish sauce, but I’m imagining you’re evoking, like, a straight fish taste rather than something savory.

Hm. I may not have it high on my list of, “Foods I don’t normally get to eat but wish to try” anymore lol

I’ve had whale, and frankly the best reason I’ve come up with for not eating it is that it just doesn’t taste that good. Japan has really excellent meat. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve had some truly delicious bits of animal. From pheasant sashimi, to horsemeat tartare, to some phenomenal beef. Not to mention the

Look how happy he is

Holy shit, Intermission. Everyone should go watch Colin Farrell in the first ten minutes of Intermission right now. That’s got to be one of the most jaw-dropping opening gambits I’ve ever seen in a film. Jesus fuck.

The “damaged” tattoo is the biggest thing that annoys me about that version of the Joker. It’s so juvenile and unlike him. The kind of tattoo a teenager would find edgy.