If one of the negatives of eating meat includes not fucking him or a guy like him, then I'mma fix me a rack of ribs bigger than the ones that toppled Fred Flintone's car.
If one of the negatives of eating meat includes not fucking him or a guy like him, then I'mma fix me a rack of ribs bigger than the ones that toppled Fred Flintone's car.
I agree with you on pretty much all your points, and I would like to personally thank you for articulating them clearly, advocating a differing point of view, and respectfully addressing that nonviolent acts can still be very threatening. You are clearly a man who, while he may not have experienced it personally,…
Also, please. Can we stop with the ally bashing?
I was under the impression that Mounting Nittany was NOT originally cancelled over the Sandusky scandal. It was for a completely different reason.
It's always a threat of potential violence from the woman's point of view. We know a man doesn't need a knife to hurt us or kill us. Also, those two incidences ? I was taunted by groups of men every DAY when I lived in Latin America. I was followed several times, masturbated in front of 3 times and grabbed twice. I…
Of course it's not violent, but women are trained from birth to be wary of strange men. This is the advice I give guys who see someone they're interested in on the street: Strike up a friendly conversation if she's cool with it. Don't make a pass. Don't try to get her number. Do try to get to know her, or maybe begin…
Being a coward whose fears are in no way proportionate to reality is not something we need to be "educated" about, it's something the people so afflicted need to fix. That's not a legitimate way to be, that's being a sexist fuck.
you should meet violence with violence, but since when is making a pass at someone on the street violence?
If this were true then the Last of Us would be illegal.
A certain, recent, very good game exclusive comes to mind, unless you mean something along the lines of guts flying. The death I'm talking about is from a gun, the kid is terrified of death, and there's a good amount of blood shown. They don't make it.
Ebony magazine and people calling Black women Ebony are 2 totally different things. It reeks of objectification and fetishization.
I get that it's used colloquially in porn, but I didn't want for you to think its cool to call random Black women "Ebony" and think they're going to take it as a compliment.
Oh for fuck's sake, read his other comments before you turn into a self-righteous dickhat. "I have no problem dating black women. I've dated plenty before. I just happened not to have dated any in the last 5-6 years."
I addressed this earlier, it was poor word choice on my part. I've dated black women and have no problems doing so. I just happen to be with a Korean girl now. No "self-hate".
I've addressed this already on another comment. :) A more appropriate choice of words would have been "I'm not" instead of "I won't".
Because there'd be an absolute shitstorm of PR, nobody would buy from MS again and all the consoles would be returned.
What a dramatic exaggeration.
Hotline Miami was fantastic.
A psychological horror TPS/FPS game set in the Congolese War.