Did they do all that in America too? I’d be far from surprised if they did, but I’m far more familiar with the bullshit they got up to in Ireland.
Did they do all that in America too? I’d be far from surprised if they did, but I’m far more familiar with the bullshit they got up to in Ireland.
I couldn’t get into Luther. Elba’s character seemed like the same hard-boiled-cop-who-doesn’t-play-by-the-rules that I’ve seen in dozens of shows. There’s only so far a show can get on star-charisma alone.
That’s where I watched it, about a year ago (US Netflix). Looks like it’s still there.
I agree that it makes for difficult watching - and those themes can be incredibly problematic when not dealt with carefully. This show handles its difficult material impressively well though
I’ll grant you that her awesomeness is a bit TV-ish, but I didn’t find her shallow. Anderson and Dornan both gave such good performances that I could forgive a lot of slack in the script. And I’ve spent a bunch of time in Belfast, so how they’re treating the setting is interesting to me too. De gustibus non est…
There’s been a wave of really good cop shows with three-dimensional female leads - Broadchurch, The Fall, Top Of The Lake, Happy Valley (the best of them). They’re all quite tonally different from each other; I saw Happy Valley right after Broadchurch, and the contrast was extreme. They’re also not all world-beating,…
This is the first time I’ve seen them compared. I loved Top Of The Lake, and I loved True Detective (Season 1, anyway - still undecided about 2)
For me, too. The Fall starts seeming a bit too contrived somewhere in Season 2, but Gillian Anderson is so fucking boss that I don’t even care (Dornan is good too).
Where do you put The Fall (either season) and Happy Valley in your TV rankings?
I’m with you on the pacing, but I don’t see how anything else in your “Cons” list is a con. I like my cop shows like my coffee, I guess (bitter).
Yeah, I’m still trying to wrap my brain around how “you’re making money off this horrible, life-wrecking thing that happened to you” is a criticism.
Geoffrey Rush, unattractive?
I’ll file that under “informing the candidate about the consequences of military action”, but there’s a bunch more things for a president to do than be commander-in-chief. I wonder if former-military presidents have been more likely or less likely to start wars, historically.
Maybe it’s because I’m a pinko peacenik Eurotrash or something, but I don’t really get how any facet of military service qualifies someone for political office (beyond informing the candidate about the consequences of military action). So this guy won 3 Purple Hearts and that guy was a torture victim. What does that…
I used to use the Fiend decoction when I’d hoovered up too much loot to carry. I have never used a different decoction for any reason. I must be somewhere near the 100 hours mark - I’ve done all the side quests and probably only have a couple of main quests left. Just clearing out the last few question marks from the…
Almost everything is improved. I’ve only played post-patch a tiny amount, but there is one facet of the inventory upgrade that promises to be annoying:
We suggest that low-status males increase female-directed hostility to minimize the loss of status as a consequence of hierarchical reconfiguration resulting from the entrance of a woman into the competitive arena.
Given how Academy membership works, I don’t see a way for membership to not always lag about 40 years behind social norms.
We were looking after her kid for a bit, and my mum had the temerity to offer some parenting advice when she picked him up. Unwelcome advice, as it turned out.
Sinead O’Connor called my mum a cunt once. Wasn’t as exciting as you might expect.