Patrick D Ryall

"union of the crowns, so to speak" Have I missed this euphemism?

I have not watched this, but if the Hand stuff is over now, can we get some fun villains for the next seasons of all these shows? I want Matador and Leap-Frog in Daredevil, Mr. Fish in Luke Cage, and I want to see Iron Fist fight a dragon. Just throw colourful costumes and strangeness in there to balance out the

His name was Bulldog.

We're going to get self-driving cars before flying cars specifically so that I don't get to have fun in a flying car, I bet.

I need to know about the founding of the factory in which Benzites make their breather things!

Yeah, I mean, space is big. We can just say they were over there, in that part of space. Hanging out with Tellarites and Tholians and such.

It took me a while to learn how to type as a bat, but my wish came true.

I wish!

I'd love to see a take on Terra-Man where he represents a toxic masculinity that contrasts with Clark's, being shown to value proving his worth through crime and violence and thinking of any tenderness as a sign of weakness. If a story could do that and still provide outlandish space versions of Western weapons, I'd

I do think that Superman's invincibility is overstated and that he actually has a lot of villains (dozens if I am allowed to dip into the more obscure examples) that can pose a physical threat to him. But that still isn't what I want from Superman stories. I want Superman to be there to save the day, not to save

M'Baku showed up in an issue of Avengers, I think. That;s probably it. And, I mean… he's the one in the gorilla costume, so…

I think that What We Do In The Shadows probably has some of the best vampires, from a "cool powers" standpoint I have seen in a movie in a long time. (And, honestly, just some of the best vampires I have seen in a movie in a long time, if I'm not looking for horror.)

Well, I do think that things like Blade and Buffy gave us low-powered vampires so they'd be easier to have protagonists mow them down in hordes. In those cases at least it has to do with them being more horror, less action.

I have spent more than a healthy amount of time planning how I would work to make Superman's villains more iconic, but DC has yet to hire me based solely on how much time I spend thinking about Superman. It's weird.

Vampires turning into wolves is a longstanding part of the folklore. I accept it with ease and regret how few powers modern movies allow vampires to have.

But he didn't draw Snoopy…

I'd still like an animated remake of Clan of the Fiery Cross. Any time now, guys. It just gets more relevant as time goes on.

Luckily for T'Challa, this Ross is far from the largest.

I know this movie already has way too much going to fit in a twist on the Tarzan tropes, but I would love to someday see Hunter in a sequel or something.

It really is one of the richer supporting casts in superhero comics.