Patricia Merry

Off topic of the story, but on topic of the gif. I can’t help it, I have to share. I was planning on adopting two kitties at the end of June (I just lost my 19 year old beloved several weeks ago) and found out a friend of a friend had a pregnant kitty and was looking for homes for 8-10 weeks after the kittens were

I hate being “that guy” who says things were so much better back in the day...

This is where I found the shot on google:

Sir Reginald McFluffybutt takes umbrage at your "squirrels are the Maker's most beautiful" fluffy critters remark.

They're both incredibly intelligent in different ways. Obama spends his time trying to implement policies designed to help the world's population live healthy, more productive, more enjoyable lives, and Putin spends his time trying implement a cult of personality insuring he retains power within an increasingly

There's only so much candy one can eat

THEY'RE FROM SMILING!!! I'll take smile lines over frown lines in a hot guy any freaking day.

Person of Interest definitely deserves a lot more credit than 'not so bad CBS proceedural'.

Quantity > quality. Daniel Day-Lewis only works every five years, but Adam Sandler crapping out shit every year doesn't make him better.

This whole list seems strangely dated. I had to check the date at the top to make sure i wasn't reading an old post.

Michael Emerson goes from being one of THE main characters on Lost, and is now one of the 3 main characters on Person of Interest (which is a damn good show IMO), which for the 2013-2014 TV season was #8 in the Nielsen ratings (top 5 if you take out football and reality singing shows), and you only rank him #9? Being

I think you're underrating Emerson and Person of Interest. It's a lot smarter than the typical CBS procedurals, and doesn't deserve to get shoved in with the CSI/NCIS category so readily

According to the official rules of golf, probably not. But if your playing partners don't let you count it, then you need to find more fun playing partners.

The most entertaining thing a Cub has done all year.

Now playing

Like the Secretariat reference, but you should probably give credit where credit is due, Chick Anderson put his name in history books calling this race.

Good Secretariat reference. +5

Yeah, but we don't really want him to be a Joxar >_< The sexy one was Ares >_<