Patricia Merry

Ok, I'm kind of out of breath and I think I just bought a Jaguar. I don't know what's happening.

Just wait until your cat finds out you aren't making the dog use one of these. And by wait I mean MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL.

It really depends on how much you like to read. And I don't mean just read, but reeeeeeead. As in: hours upon hours. If you pick up a book, only to put down for basic needs, then a tablet should be avoided as your reading device. You'll get some eye strain after some time.

It really depends on how much you like to read. And I don't mean just read, but reeeeeeead. As in: hours upon hours.

It took me a long-ass time to accept my spider friends. It wasn't until the cockroach invasion of 2012, when I realized there are far worse things than a spider.
Now I let them chill in my house as long as they want. My mother insisted I kill the one who set up shop in my bathroom, and I begrudgingly did so, but then I

This is Elsa. I call her "Derpy-Doo". She's all legs and not graceful. She will be seven months old July 11th and is already 60lbs. The only "Siberian husky" about her is the head shape and the eyes. The rest is her momma. Atticus is my pure Sibe.

Have you seen what people spend $8K on? That's less than the depreciation on the shitty new car you probably didn't need. I'd easily spend $10K on my dog's health if I could afford it.

This is still the cutest thing.

**weirdly, every guy i've talked to about this photo thinks woman prefer the mountain's body, where was all the woman keep talking about Oberyn's. Because oberyn's a cutie-hottie-pants. i'm sure there are some woman who like the bulky dudes, but they aren't the majority. i can't tell you

Technically, it's missing hero cats and Tom Hiddleston. But I'm willing to let that slide.

Yes, you see that's how it starts. You're squinting, trying to work out what it is about some skinny Englishman that has everyone tying themselves in knots. You decide you must be missing something. You watch the dancing videos and admit, grudgingly, that the skinny Englishman can move. You read that he's six foot two

As a fat person as well (though, sadly, much much fatter than you) I understand humiliation only too well. I feel it every time I leave the house and walk among the normies. Once, I went on a date with this guy that I'd met online. I sent him several photos of myself (so that he'd know what he was getting himself

Jason Statham is a god among men. He is Adonis personified. He is the man of my dreams. And he totally CAN crack a smile (Go watch some Guy Ritchie movies), and that smile will make you melt. He was a championship diver in his youth, and he is a championship heart-palpitation-causer in his forties. I named my Siamese

Any excuse for a Hiddles gif party...

I'm alright with that.

Great, now I'm sad that Steve is gone.

Now playing

Child. You live in a country absolutely lousy with dragons. Here is one biting Steve Irwin.