
Ask any woman who played rugby, we'll all tell you we had a great time. I'm sorry you're so close-minded you can't see how anyone could enjoy something you know nothing about but don't like

Ask any woman who played rugby, we'll all tell you we had a great time. I'm sorry you're so close-minded you can't see how anyone could enjoy something you know nothing about but don't like

Ask any woman who played rugby, we'll all tell you we had a great time. I'm sorry you're so close-minded you can't see how anyone could enjoy something you know nothing about but don't like

Ask any woman who played rugby, we'll all tell you we had a great time. I'm sorry you're so close-minded you can't see how anyone could enjoy something you know nothing about but don't like

By herself in the crowded cafeteria? Or did your school have private dining rooms for each student?

Yes, every time two or more men get together it's to rape someone in the cafeteria. Thanks for giving the MRA nut jobs more anti-feminist ammunition there chief

Yes, every time two or more men come together it's to rape someone in the cafeteria. Thanks for giving the people who think all feminists are ridiculous ammunition...way to help the cause

Yes, every time two or more men come together it's to rape someone in the cafeteria. Thanks for giving the people who think all feminists are ridiculous ammunition...way to help the cause

Yes, every time two or more men come together it's to rape someone in the cafeteria. Thanks for giving the people who think all feminists are ridiculous ammunition...way to help the cause

I love I Used to Work in Chicago..only chance that to use science knowledge in a rugby song

I played rugby in college and while the songs tend to be dirty, we are a respectful group of people trying to have fun after a physically demanding 80 minute game. I obviously can't speak for every school, but I know our men's team stopped allowing Jesus Can't Play Rugby because a religious member of the team told a

Ugh that's terrifying and awful

Yeah the freshman I try to be more... Idk understanding (?) that they literally don't know better and I work consent into sex ed but by spring of senior year I need to be able to trust that you're not going to go into the world and hurt someone

I had originally tried to be more non-confrontational like "Hey there are easier ways to get a girl to hold your hand" because I was scared of him overreacting and he said something along the lines of "Yeah you would know. I can tell just by looking at you" which, lame comeback but still not okay

Ugh the rape culture in high school is overwhelming at times even as an adult. I had a "boy" (at 19 and over 6'4" it's hard to still give them the leeway of being kids) really aggressively accuse me of being a lesbian when I told him to stop trying to touch my freshmen girls after they told him to stop.

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it." -WC Fields

how long does your partner take to finish?! My boyfriend does all the dishes and takes awhile to cum but dishes still take longer. And cause my nails to peel

Yeah you know what happens when you have no control over your kid? They get to my ninth grade class and try to physically intimidate me and then you defend the huge monster you've created. Thanks for that, parents who can't say "no"

nah I think that's a Hobby Lobby project

We were just wondering the same thing! Ever figure it out?