
Sparing the minutiae of how this works, the high school where I work had a grading scale last year where 85-100 = A, 68-84 = B, and 43-67 = C, then unlike the rest of Chicago a D did not earn credit, and parents would bitch ALL THE EFFING TIME that little Johnny's D should count because at his brother's school they

Yeah, south Chicago is definitely not getting the funding it needs to help these kids out, but my school has helped kids make pretty incredible gains in reading and math. I think the average freshman grows 6 grade levels in reading by the time they graduate? I may be wrong but it is definitely an amazing improvement.

If you think a kid is dumb when they leave high school, imagine how we feel when they come in. I have a ninth grader who doesn't yet read at the first grade level. FIRST FREAKING GRADE. But no worries boss man, he'll be aceing the ACT in no time

I have never cried over a celebrity but here we are. Thank you for perfectly summing up what I have to believe many of us are thinking

oh god dammit... I was holding it together until that

Well they were distributed through his school email; it doesn't say that's where the hacker found them.

She's the one who wanted to make a huge deal out of this..why does she get to stay anonymous?

WTF Shouldn't he be BLONDE??