
Heavier than the burdens black women face?

In fact, he has the etire rest of the internet for that.

Yeah, because women are all interchangeable and all that matters is wetting yor dick in one, amirite?

No, it would be more fair to call this “white dude derailing because he can’t stand white people not being front and center on a website about black people, black culture, black issue.”

I absolutely agree 100%. Read my comment. Where I disagree is that one can say that white women are sexually harassed leas often. I don’t know how that can be quantified, or why it is productive to have a harassment-off among women. It was a specific response to a specific comment.

Patriarchy is the system under which we live. And everything flows from gender. It’s not about “bonding,” it’s about who has the power (men), and who gets to keep the power (men). White men are at the very top.

Here’s the thing: everyone *should* look at Serena Williams and be blown away. She’s powerful. She’s strong. She’s the best athlete alive. She’s brilliant, kind, funny, accomplished. And stunningly beautiful. But the world cannot “let” her be all those things, because she is black.

You said “Wishbook” and I instantly smell the pages. (though ours was the Sears version, nothing as exotic as Penney’s!)

Toys R Us also screamed that girls get two pink and purple aisles, and the rest of the store was for whte boys.

Really? You know the experience of every single white woman in the world? That is amazing! Kudos to you and your superpowers!

I don’t feel like demanding “proof,” because I don’t think we need to have a misogyny-off among women. I think black women, and all women of color, suffer WAY more oppression in every single other area. But it’s hard to tell who is more sexually harassed in public.

I’m not sure that can possibly be quantified.

White women experience harassment every single day. All women do, everywhere.

Patriarchy is white male supremacy over everyone.

Women never “received equal rights.”

Yeah, well, this site is also fine with any and all misogyny, so

Why is it impossible for you to believe that in the end, white men will always support other white men? What more evidence do you need?

Ha. Right. No man of color who has ever abused, raped, or murdered a woman has gone on to have a successful career.

“gaslight Kanye”

Because women are not people.