
If the pro-life movement focused on sex ed and access to birth control, the number of abortion procedures would drop.

I did this about 10 years ago. Living in an apartment complex and noticed some shady goings on with the people across the courtyard. Kids in and out but never for long and the kids looked unclean and hungry. Went on for awhile and finally I needed to do something. Called the police. The place got raided. Turned out

Absolutely. I love Franken as a senator, and had been hoping he’d run in 2020. But he needs to step down, now.

Unless your redemption tour involves calling Bobby Mueller and telling his team everything, then shouting those same things from the rooftops and via every news organization, you are not redeemed, you have not served your penance, and you do not get a cookie. Oh, you let people laugh at your expense, that’s nice. Come

Having to ask someone for a ride was one of my main reasons as well. Someone else mentioned it as theirs, I’d assume it’s pretty common. Vomiting isn’t a good sign; sounds like it may have been a complication.

Current military commander here with a not open, but not hiding trans member in my command. My direct message to that person:

Yup. We in the military have an obligation to refuse orders that are “immoral, illegal, or unethical.” If Adm. Zukunft believes that the orders he is being given to discriminate against his service members violate that criteria then he can absolutely push back on them.

Now playing

The superb Tim Minchin Cardinal Pell song, from the days when he was just avoiding testifying about others by hiding in the Vatican, rather than himself...

How Dadaji Became a Feminist

My grandfather has always encouraged my independence. When I broke off an engagement with a man I know my

Ummmmm... I’m just saying, but he definitely waived all attorney client privilege by having that discussion in public where anyone could hear it. If this woman has a private attorney that is looking into a lawsuit, and you find out about it, you should absolutely call up that attorney and let him know about that phone

“The three people killed on the bridge are men!”

“Let’s dispense with sloppy comparisons and, while we’re at it, assume that Holocaust comparisons are henceforth off-limits.”

Literally nobody here is disagreeing with the point that circumcising babies’ penises is problematic at best, since babies are incapable of giving consent. What people are disagreeing with is your insistence that there is no difference between circumcising a penis and “FGM,” a term that includes clitoridectomy, not

Yeah, no. I happen to believe mutilating a child’s genitals is horrific, no matter which sex you happen to be, but a tiny snip of foreskin is NOTHING compared to having your clitoris or labia cut off or sewn shut. NOTHING.

The conversation about removing the foreskin is indeed an important one, but this is a conversation about mutilation of the vulva, clitoris, and labia, for the purposes of inhibiting a person’s sexual desire and agency. Removing the foreskin of the penis is not about preventing penis-havers from feeling or seeking

As another trans woman who was circumcised at birth and not thrilled that it still goes on, you really need to cut this bullshit out. Even if you sincerely believe that a circumcision is comparable to a clitoredectomy (lol) I can guarantee you that all you’re doing right now is pissing off would-be allies and giving

You brought up penile circumcision on an FGM post in the first place. You did the exact same thing that MRAs do. I realize you did it for entirely different reasons — as I wrote, your experience is important and valid — but it is NOT this. You are a woman who experienced penile circumcision and that is not what is

Yeah, for real. Why are we giving this idea currency? In its current usage in the mainstream, it's like a perfect distillation of "girls suck" pigeonholing. The way I've seen it used is a way for us to nurture our internalized sexism: it encourages misogynist posturing like "I'm not like those other, shitty women. I'm