
Correction: the Quebec City mosque attack was in 2017, not this year.

A section that stood out to me from the Washington Post story:

The Quebec City mosque massacre earlier this year was committed by an angry white guy who, while not able to vote for Trump, was an admirer of his.

I opted out of the sedation too, and I’m glad I did. My motivation was logistical; all of my friends who are close enough to ask for a pickup have 9-5 jobs, and I didn’t want to ask anybody to take a day off work. But, the discomfort of the procedure was trivial (a few times I felt crampy, but I deliberately relaxed

And be careful with sneezing during the Supersoaker phase! If a sneeze is inevitable, clench your sphincter first. I didn’t, and my chair regretted it.

I just sent them my suggestion, “Heather Heyer Memorial”.

Maybe Trump will make him the new FBI director. He does have some law enforcement background, which is a lot more than we can say of other Trump picks.

I’m a NICU nurse and one of the things that I noticed in Jimmy’s speech was that he thanked about a dozen nurses and a respiratory therapist by name. This is unusual (in the media, not in direct conversation with my patients’ parents), noteworthy, and much appreciated by the nurses in my facebook feed and breakroom. I

No, you’ve misunderstood. The ruling classes are the only ones with the privilege of getting a handmaid (i.e. one of the few women known to be fertile and therefore a scarce resource). If a working class man’s Econowife happens to be fertile and get pregnant, that’s good luck for them, not something banned.

I’m not at all on Team Rebel Girl on her FGM argument, but please stop saying things like “attempting to erase real women.” That IS transphobic. For real, you can substitute cis, which is a neutral descriptor and doesn’t erase trans women.

God damn it. I don’t know if that makes it better or worse. Somehow I had the idea that the death camp victims knew they were in death camps.

Or regifting the basket that Pepsi sent United. It’s still fresh enough.

Either that, or he thought the element of surprise made it worse in Syria. If you’re in Auschwitz, you pretty much expect to get gassed so at least you can plan your day around it.

I agree. While Spicer certainly had a brain fart, it might not have forgetting the existence of the gas chambers. It might have been forgetting that German Jews were Hitler’s “own people”. This mistake is very much in line with the Trump administration’s ideology that only certain kinds of Americans are the people

I think the only thing we have to wait to find out is whether he was her ex or her current partner. Everything else in this story will be as predictable as hell.

As a childfree-by-choice lady, I’ve never felt the resentment over baby shower presents that some others feel. If my sisters have babies and I buy them presents, and I don’t have babies and they don’t buy me presents, I’m still WAY ahead of the game financially. (Financial considerations are only one of the many

I agree with DonnaL. Everyone has the right to their dealbreakers, but the onus is on the person with the dealbreaker to ask, not on their prospective partner to read their mind.

Maybe they thought a little girl statue would get humped by fewer dudebros than a woman statue.

She went on X-Files and gave birth to an alien baby.

He knew; he released a statement for Holocaust Remembrance Day (which had its own issues, naturally).