
I really want to print this article out, laminate it, glue it to a baseball bat, and show it repeatedly and forcefully to all the guys in the kink community who say, “Well, if her consent was violated, she should just go to the police. It’s not our job to enforce that kind of stuff.” The justice system is not equipped

Exactly. He rushed an active shooter when he himself was armed with nothing but his own courage, got pistol whipped for his trouble, but startled and slowed the shooter down enough that it limited this shooting to two fatalities instead of many more. Those seconds spent dealing with this man were seconds the shooter

I work part time at a yoga studio (reception, not an instructor) and let me tell you how many men take classes there, so fucking many. Men of all shapes and sizes; incredibly fit, starting new health practices, getting back in shape, older dudes, young dudes. Men do yoga, this idea that only “weak, sissy men” do yoga

My mother is a raging feminist “libtard” who previously worked as a coordinator for sexual assault reponse in Sierra Leone.

When will everyone finally understand that all of these events lately (and historically) are all connected? That misogyny and racism and classism and all the other phobes, isms, and ists are the octopus legs of one entitled, angry man seeking to find power in any way it can. By dehumanizing and vilifying “others” and

A section that stood out to me from the Washington Post story: the past couple weeks we’ve had:

This one?

This one!:

If he treated women with decency and respect, he would support a woman’s right to choose.

Have you checked your closets and air ducts?

If the Croatian players complain about how their moment as heroes kicking a ball was ruined by political protesters, fuck them

Small gestures of protest are important even if they don't bring about instantaneous, complete change.

Imagine for a moment, that you are a female civil rights activist in Putin’s Russia. Now, you know that no matter what you do, if you actually succeed in your goal of drawing attention to the horrendous state of human rights in your country, you are going to go to jail. And you will be abused. And you may never get

I agree. The media has been very silent in their coverage of the world cup about the awful stuff that happens in Russia. What these people were protesting is far more important than a game.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s fair to call these people “Idiots on the Field” when they are trying to bring attention to the farce that is Putin’s Russia.  These people have some serious guts.

You know the leader there fixed the last election in Russia and maybe other nations, and the fact the world cup is playing there is due to bribery.

Sorry to interrupt your game but there’s literally people who are being sent to prison or killed because they said something bad about their dictator.

A quick machine translation of the band’s demands show they’re calling for the release of all political prisoners, the end of political arrests and the beginning of an open political process. They certainly got people’s attention.

The problematic nature of this word can’t be laid at the feet of this administration (even though the breathless pearl-clutching and hypocrisy of the administration in general is worth mocking).

If this were a woman being deprived of once-in-a-lifetime career opportunity by a manipulative man, I doubt the tone of this article would be so sarcastic. She fucked his future. Act like it.