Pat Dorsman


I hope he has some people in his life who can help get him through this. Compatriots, if you will, or pals.

You are me.

Counterpoint: Melee is fun. Let me enjoy Melee?

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

Completely agree, the in game art of dishonored has always been amazing. I screenshot every painting I see. I think because of the game’s period, and how much it is centred around the homes of the aristocracy. the paintings connect the physical setting to the cultural setting.

It really helps that the art in game is mirrored by the game aesthetics itself. I always love games that take on an artistic style over going full realistic. Horizon:Zero Dawn is an exception - going realistic helped it, I think.

That’s the spirit.

There’s a whole lot more crud waiting for you once you start playing.

Ben Roethlisberger introduced the players’ three choices

I’d also be embarrassed as shit if Curt Schilling agreed with something I did.

Total biscuit is in that weird headspace where he thinks because of his situation he can just go crap on other people without repercussions

Totalbiscuit should shut the fuck up. Play the game or shut up.

To add to that... It’s a $29.99 game that is viral and popular. I balk at $59.99 games that charge you for decorations, but when dealing with a reasonable up front price I think I can live. If they make money off not-me and it keeps the lights on, hey... No problem. And if I play it til my eyes bleed and want to

ITT hardcore fans trying to force a meta-lore that was never meant to be canon in the first place (though now is humored by Nintendo)

“Please enjoy these glorious 4k Ultra graphic PC screenshots while we try to figure out how to get this damn game to run on current gen console hardware without looking like utter garbage.”

After Game of Thrones made all the money with boobs&dragons? There’s no way it won’t be mature, the worry is that they’ll shoehorn in more gratuitous nakedness just to titillate the audience.

Kotaku has never broken a Bethesda embargo. We were blacklisted for reporting on information that was leaked to us, not information that was under embargo. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about, so why even comment?

In Skyward Sword, they made it as clear as they could without yelling it that they were in love. If I recall correctly, Zelda II implies they kiss at the end. Finally, Spirit Tracks sort of hints at a young love with the two of them naturally end up holding hands as they watch the sun rise (set? It’s kind of stormy