Pat Dorsman

I mean it’d be one thing if they said “ok I’m quitting and will no longer purchase Ubisoft titles because I don’t like how they treat their consumers unless that changes I’m done buying.” something along those lines. Not going on about how you’re not going to play the game for 24 hours to show support or to boycott

Tell me more about the hallowed traditions of college athletics. I’m fascinated by their proud ways.

Outdated? really you must be playing a different game

The last thing I would call Dark Souls is ‘outdated.’ the game has a mysteriousness and atmosphere that permeates every bit of it, which is exactly where games like Nioh miss the mark. I’d take Dark Souls over Nioh and it’s other copycats any day.

“Oh my god, somebody leaked Destiny 2 is coming!”

Finally some solid info! Now we know it is 2 and not II.

I think you could start shooting the guys dropping from dropships back in Halo Combat Evolved

“I will be a top player just you niggas wait”

It is!

Kirk wrote an entire post about how much it adds to the game. I started doing that once I’d gotten more comfortable with exploration. It’s really nice. Make the surprise discoveries and quiet traveling even better.

Just saved me 40 bucks, bless you.

Just saved me 40 bucks, bless you.

It’s Monster Energy Drink: The Video Game.

Ubisoft gonna Ubisoft.

That guy is like every shit Youtuber rolled into one.

You’re a fucking idiot.

Just joking.

We should all just play soccer. There is never any violence associated with that sport around the world. Very tame fans.

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

You did a pretty terrible job of giving up on Kotaku.