Pat Dorsman

To me it’s when something that wasn’t offensive to anyone gets changed later because a small but vocal group demand it be and pretend to be offended by it. The group that then caves and changes it has gone “woke”. That would be how I think of it. Just my two cents I am not necessarily trying to defend the words use.

I am almost at the end and it has been so awesome. Probably the best remake I have played and I have played all the good ones at this point.

If it would have had PC compatibility and Astro Bot 2 as a launch game I would have bought it

I really enjoyed Metroid Other M and The Order

They had to go rogue eh......I will wait and see but definitely would have preferred a hand crafted world from them

When 64 came out I remember the prices were all over the place. Each store just sold the games for whatever they wanted. I remember seeing some as high as 80 dollars.

Their engine is one of the best looking around. This game will be gorgeous. 

Ram was super cheap at one point especially DDR4. I bought 64 gb. Now I upgraded to DDR5 though and it’s pretty pricey. Went with 32 gb and I will keep an eye on sales and hopefully grab another 32 at some point in the next year or two. I think 32 should be good for a number of years 

I beat it. I thought it was “fun enough” so a 7 out of 10 actually seems pretty fair. I felt the same way about Ghost of Tsushima which I also beat. It was “fun enough” and in my opinion overrated. The last open world game I thought was truly great was Breath of the Wild. That game to me is a 9. So if that is a 9,

The older I get and more games I beat I do this less and less to the point now where I just see what I have and if I don’t have what I need then whatever I don’t craft anything. If I have to craft something to progress then I roll my eyes out of my head. 

Personally I love every one. It’s like playing through an awesome action movie. I have played every one except Ghosts at this point. 

Dude it used to be a free for all. You would go into one store and a game would be 70 and you would go into another store and that same game was 80.

Serious question why does it suck?

Maybe Elden Ring will add it in 4 years too

Didnt know they wanted to stick to that. Well alrighty sounds like it's their thing then. I just feel like Sony makes a lot of third person action games 

Give me a new switch so I can play Breath 2 at 60 fps please and thank you.

I beat both and I enjoyed both but I think Day’s Gone had more depth since it had the motorcycle and horde elements. Both had highs and lows and both had generic open world BS. I look forward to Bend’s next game but I fear Sony is going to have them make yet another third person open world action game because that

Man kotaku has gone down the tubes.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 with ultrawide support and high fps......? Take my money

Mario Golf disappointed the shit out of me. The story mode felt bland, the courses as well and overall it just felt mediocre.