Does the game have the option to just play 1v1 stroke play online? That was something I was wanting to do.
Does the game have the option to just play 1v1 stroke play online? That was something I was wanting to do.
I really like both Solo and Rogue One. The new trilogy on the other hand I can’t even get through.
Took me 13 hours as well. Loved it the whole way through. Particularly when you get to go out into space more. Graphics were gorgeous too and still are.
“scarcity” is so hot right now
Hopefully it will play Breath 2 in 60 fps because thats all I want
I beat FF7 and was so mind blown that I wanted that experience again. I knew nothing about FF really so when I saw Tactics at at blockbuster I rented it. I hated it because I just wasn’t a strat RPG guy. At least I thought I wasn’t. A year or two later I picked it up again and for whatever reason I got super into it…
I was at a gamestop or ebgames or whatever it was called back then a few months before PS2 came out. I overheard a guy that worked there saying that he had one preordered but didn’t really want it. I offered him like 30 bucks or something for his preorder and he sold it to me on the spot. The day it released they let…
I guess that depends on what FPS and res you are going for but that card is great
1. Elden Ring
2. Silksong
3. Prime 4
4. RE8
5. Another big VR game like Alyx
I would play Bastion before Transistor
I just beat it yesterday. 55 hours and I completed all major side quests using a high end PC (3090 and 9700k). Buggiest game I have ever played personally. Only one bug that broke a sidequest making it so I couldn’t finish it. (wasted 30 minutes trying) Otherwise just constant roughness with video and audio glitches…
Welcome to the internet man people love to hate anything they can. I just beat the game on a high end PC. Although not broken, it was pretty rough. I had one side quest that bugged out that I couldn’t finish. It was called “Until Death”. Otherwise though, it was just constant glitches all the way up to the last…
1. Dark Souls
2. Demons Souls (and the remake)
3. Bloodborne
4. Sekiro
5. Dark Souls 3
6. Dark Souls 2
I was holding out on Elden Ring info but great show either way
PS5 at least has Spiderman and Demon’s Souls so I could see people wanting to play those but then yeah once those are done there is nothing that big for a while I guess until Ratchet and Clank
Yeah got a 3090 and a pre-order so I'm in day one for better or worse
I usually only buy DLC if it’s a game I love like Bloodborne or any of the souls games. I bought the Witcher 3 DLC as well and felt like it was worth it to me. But I never pay full price for games. I don’t really care about DLC or microtransactions because if people hate them so much they won’t buy them and then the…
Had the white model that was packaged with destiny. Never had any issues. The pro model I got later sounded like a jet engine though.
Wiiu without a doubt