Pat Dorsman

Most annoying thing to me is they got rid of realistic TDM and replaced it with night vision mode, then now combined the two into one playlist. Hardcore TDM has always been a thing just keep it for gods sake dont combine it with night vision and make people play game types they arent interested in

That game was really doing it for me up to a point but then I got kind of tired just wandering around trying to figure out what to accomplish in each area. I can see the beauty there though. I think I was more than halfway through it.

I feel like this article was written for me. I want to play control so bad but I don’t want to experience it until I get an RTX graphics card so I can really see what Ray Tracing can do. Hopefully next year. When it comes to my recs for this particular topic....

I had no idea no. I don't think this has been the case for COD before. This is the first one I've bought at release in a while. Paid 54 bucks for it on green man gaming. 

For the PC version, you cant even play the campaign without being connected to their online servers. So since their servers were down for the first 3 hours of release, I just sat there thinking how hilariously bad AAA gaming in 2019 can be when you cant even play single player in the game you just bought without a

I wanna play it bad but I want to wait until I get an RTX graphics card so I can really see what it has to offer visually. Luckily by then it will probably be on sale with all DLC

Been playing Outer Wilds for the last week. I go from thinking its incredible to being really annoyed by it mostly because sometimes it’s so hard to know where and what to do next even though you have a chart with various clues. 

That ad is actually pretty good with the guest appearance of his wife/girlfriend or whoever that was. Pretty funny

Let him do whatever he wants and mind your own business is what I would say to anyone mad about it. His statement was by no means controversial. He simply said he didnt want to do it because of respect for his wife. It should have ended there. People need to get lives.

If you really wanted to put in the effort I would just buy a book shelf with no back board. Then put each console on it and route all the wires so they are hidden behind the wood boards. You can use these.

I just spent a lot of time cleaning up my gaming area wires. I have a gaming PC, PS4, Switch, wifi router, speaker system, 4k tv, and monitor all with a lot of wires to deal with. It took a long time but it looks so clean now. Just finished it. I was going to take glamour shots this weekend.

People are awesome

Damn now I wanna know what Bluepoint is working on...

It has a slow pace. I personally loved it and think it’s the best game Rockstar has made

I hope she runs for president someday. She has my vote.

I’ve beaten every game in the series. I have not cared enough about the story to read books or comics. From a gameplay standpoint, I’m pretty bored. I know it’s a good game but one can only cover then shoot a head off then repeat so many times. Thankfully it was on gamepass so I blew through it for the $2 sign up fee.

I agree and I dont like this control style at all if they added an option to switch it to skate controls I would buy it

Some other skate game on steam has these controls and the entire time I’m playing it I’m just wishing it had the same controls as the Skate series

Just stared this game on PC gamepass. I dont think a better looking PC game exists especially with ray tracing on. It’s stunning 

I never got past the beta. I got too many Destiny 1 vibes from it where it felt so hollow. Gorgeous game though. I just dont know how they can make these shooter RPGs more interesting. Its always going to have the inevitable “stand here and kill guys while we power up/down this thing or open/close this door” type shit