Pat Dorsman

rat just died

This games soundtrack is fire

I wish it wasn’t 60 bucks

I just thought they broke to easily. I think the mechanic could be good it just needs to be tweaked. I liked how it forced you to use different weapons and adapt to situations.

The fortune teller tells you where to go next.

This should have happened for the ninja turtles movies but Michael Bay is a dick

Baaaad writing ever since Arya survived that stabbing and shit swim 

Some of the best players in the world use the ps4 controller 

First time I made it through the first form I of course thought that was it. I walked over to the body and slashed it. Right after I did it gets up and the second form started. I thought it was a secret or something because I slashed the dead body. Later of course I realized it always happens. Great boss. 

Take my money

Oh right gotcha. I would need to read reviews on that to see if its just as good as gsync

I got to the last boss last night and tried probably 20 times to kill him with little progress. The first form is easy but once the real fight starts I’m getting destroyed. Definitely the hardest boss in the game so far (other than that fire demon who wrecked me which I didn’t kill)


I’m fine with it Steam has been way too comfortable 

I could understand this argument if there weren’t many video games to play. But there are so many options of games and tons of action games. I don’t think every developer has to make an easy mode in their game. They have a vision for how they want the game to be so that is how they make it. “Play something else” isn’t

Articles like this keep me coming back to this site. Very thorough. Nice work.

Keza you actually do level up your damage. Beating certain bosses gives you a Battle Memory which you use to increase your attack power. Combine that with raising your max health by killing mini bosses and health item amount/potency and you are getting stronger and kind of feeling like leveling up.

Daaaamn and gsync? I gotta look this thing up

If you are into young kids making unusually good music check out the band “Kids These Days”. They made an incredible album then broke up. Definitely listen if you like hip hop/jazz. Chance the rapper got his start there I believe.

Still waiting on one of these but with higher resolution and gsync. At least make it 1440 vertical res. 1080 isnt enough