Are you talking about the Jets coach who took a shot at a punt gunner who got blocked onto the sideline? That's less than not contacting a player?
Are you talking about the Jets coach who took a shot at a punt gunner who got blocked onto the sideline? That's less than not contacting a player?
If by far less you mean "actually contacting a player" then, sure.
Here comes the "the NFL hates the Ravens" conspiracy bullshit. I won't be able to listen to sports talk radio for weeks. Thems cheated hon!
Man, I can't wait for Kobe to bitch about how bad his teammates are next year.
Bring baseball writers' nightmares to life, and turn it into the Hall of Very Good.
"Excuse me, Mr. [Anonymous baseball writer], can you explain to me why you've submitted a ballot that simply has a hand drawn picture of a pig pooping on its own balls on it?"
Will you be cutting back on some of your coverage, now that the operating budget is $11.37 smaller?
Our idea was to make a mockery and farce of the increasingly solemn and absurd election process
Pete Rose.
I think the wind had just as much effect on Manning's arm last night as the kicking game. Peyton just doesn't have the arm strength anymore that he once had. It was evident last night with some of the balls he threw when driving into the wind.
What the hell is this ? This is totally unacceptable. I shoot at this level and I would never dream of this happening in NOLA. The handshake shot sucks anyway we all shoot it but it is boring ass hell .. both brown vest so they are working media and I am guessing somebody is going to get an asschewing or a credential…
Ref saw it but wanting to stay consistent threw no flag for interference.
"This is so white it's translucent."
While a sad Johnson is telling, everyone knows that you can't beat a sore one.
I'm not a Florida State fan. I'm not a Jameis Winston fan. I am a fan of the American justice system, and letting all the facts come to light before rushing to judgment. I've seen plenty of individuals (including, of course, athletes) accused of rape get rightfully acquitted, I've seen others rightfully convicted, and…
To quote George Carlin, "Ohhh, some people don't like you to talk like that. Ohh, some people like to shut you up for saying those things.
You know that. Lots of people. Lots of groups in this country want to tell you how to talk.
Tell you what you can't talk about. Well, sometimes they'll say, well you can talk about…
Hey Roger Cossack. If your going to make broad assumptions of facts maybe you should try to read above the level of a 2nd grader. Jameis has not commented on this case at all. His attorney has only specified that he was innocent. He never denied that Jameis had sex with the girl. If we are to believe Winston's…