Are you sure about 3? I’ve read the opposite on the internet (that the special tends to be something that the kitchen finds itself with extra of), but have no personal knowledge.
Are you sure about 3? I’ve read the opposite on the internet (that the special tends to be something that the kitchen finds itself with extra of), but have no personal knowledge.
Great, give women more reasons not to seek care for themselves. Fuck that asshole of a doctor, kicking a woman down when she’s already sick and scared. How can you go home at the end of the day and look your loved ones in the eyes after doing that? BTW, they think it’s okay to name and shame this lady and her family?…
I have an IUD. I haven’t had a period since January of 2015. So, no. I live like a man now. I have zero hormonal fluctuations. I have no change in mood. I have no period. I don’t own bleach or tampons.
I find that I habitually say a lot of things twice. I cringe when I realize it, but I think it’s part of the same thing.
My bestie and I were having a discussion about political party association as it pertains to empathy. As in- republicans have no empathy.
Shanah Tovah from Lynchburg, Virginia, where Bernie Sanders just gave a beautiful, thoughtful speech on income…
there is no doubt that errors have been made and injustices have resulted
Don’t worry. I’m a woman in tech and I make a point of interrupting as many white men as possible. It’s hilarious the look of fear on their face.
I find myself doing that “soliciting confirmation that you’re hearing and processing what I’m saying” thing with my husband a lot. Then I realize I’m doing it and it pisses me off. It absolutely makes women sound indecisive; you will never hear authoritative speakers (or 99% of men) use that construction. But we do it…
As I understand it (which is not well, because all I have to go on is like one article and maybe a brief podcast) there are multiple hypotheses and perhaps multiple explanations. I could see both explanations being the result of how women are treated and dismissed in conversation, particularly in the workplace.
This is my problem with some of the people labeling themselves MRAs. Instead of going on the anti-feminist route, why don’t they talk about legitimate issues that affect men, including:
Well, considering I decide who I go on dates with, not my parents, I have my own bank account to pay my own bills, and I’m allowed to choose whether or not I get married, PRETTY FUCKING WELL!
Maybe I’m just not a romantic, but there’s no time period I’d rather live in than this one. Or maybe the future. But right now we have disposable tampons, birth control, antibiotics, air conditioning, divorce laws, safe abortions (where available) and surviveable c-sections. I’m a cynic and I bitch a lot about what…
I’m so sorry. And I’m even more sorry that someone thinks it’s acceptable to speak to you that way, internet or no internet.
“legislators in Belgium announced their intention to change the euthanasia law to include...” So... None of that happened.
Kalliope Jones, teenage girl band signs lucrative record deal. Titles first album, ‘IDGAF’, releases first single, titled ‘I don’t care what your boner thinks’.
That’s pretty gross. “Honest mistake”? I think not - this is how some men think of girls in this age bracket, especially in the entertainment industry, and it really needs to change. Good for these young ladies for standing up against this.
Kalliope Jones, a band made up of three young teenage girls, competed against other 12-to-16-year-old musicians…
If you know this woman please put her in a shipping container and send her to our offices post haste. She’s hired.