
Me too! The other day on the way to work a cockroach was dying on the sidewalk in the sun, back up and struggling. I turned him over hoping he could walk to the grass but clearly he had been poisoned or something and was already dying, but I couldn't just leave him in the hot sun so I made a little tent of leaves so

Last spring, the most magical and terrifying thing happened on my evening walk. All of the tadpoles must have converted to tiny frogs that day because the sidewalks were covered in them. It took me two hours to do a 45 minute walk because I was trying not to step on them (successfully, I think) while trying to shoo

So, when I was in kindergarten, I wasn’t allowed to carry an umbrella on the bus.

Awww, I do the same thing whenever I’m in a swimming pool. Everyone around me is spalshing around having fun and I’m busy rescuing bees, crickets, beetles etc.

Not sure if this ever happened on a first day of school, but I would frequently miss my school bus because I was walking too slowly up the street, stopping to remove drowny worms from puddles along the way. I still do this and not long ago missed a city bus for the same reason. Poor little waterlogged worms.

Tl;dr - Women who present themselves in a heteronormative feminine way such as maintaining a certain weight or wearing their hair a certain way in order to be attractive to men and therefore “snag a man” are, in fact, trying to “snag a man”.

Exactly. We are going to have your sisters raped because it’s embarrassing to YOU to be a brother to “dishonored” women. Like the good old days when a slave’s rape was considered trespassing on her owner’s property.

“This isn’t our fight.” That’s the kind of ignorant half-argument that allows this kind of thing to be perpetrated around the world. Is there a difference whether it’s happening in the town down the road? The next state over? Half the world away? The moment you’re aware of something like this happening, you have a

I think I understand and to be honest I missed the “culture” comment while skimming the first time (hence the edit). I apologize for the misunderstanding and I very much hope that the powers that be in India smack this illegal action by this unelected council down with such force that anyone who would dream of such an

“The sisters weren’t convicted of any crimes, rather their sentence was punishment for their brother’s elopement.”

“Private time” is when they are drinking a beer at the bar after work, not in an office when they are earning tax-payer’s money. Also this feeds into the culture of mysogony at male-dominated work places in general. What if there was a woman in that office and has to hear those jackasses every day? I worked on a

It’s misogynistic because the one guy immediately objectifies her in asking if she’s hot, making all other information about her irrelevant, and then the conversation just continues in that vein. It’s also emblematic of the binary mindset of the police in general.

It’s misogynistic based on the blatant fact that they are sexualizing her and making assumptions about her based solely on appearances.

Can we all just admit it’s urine?

When both parties have the agency and ability to consent to sex, then you have a positive sexual experience, not rape. To be sex positive is to assert that women have the agency to consent, and that they can both consent and choose to not have sex at their own volition.

I’ve had this experience *so* many times — in school, since I’ve been out of school.

Rape culture is one in which "he said" is always given more weight than "she said," even when "he" has boasted about being a sexual predator.

I’ve told this story to so many people that I’m afraid it will give me away, but I don’t even care. In high school one night I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to a loud thump on the front porch. I looked out and saw a couple guys on our porch so I naturally screamed to my parents that someone was on the porch. My

When I was maybe 16, I was super into academics and sports. There was a boy who shared my interests, who was also an overachieving nerd. I liked him. We passed notes back and forth several times a day at school (cellphones weren’t a thing yet) and like any teenage textual relationship, it got sexy. Imagine 2 teenage