Patcher Pup

I wonder if some of the parts about how everyone around them is totally cool with it are fantasy? Even if his parents are as fucked up as he is, I can't imagine his ex-girlfriend being like "lol yeah cool go bone your daughter."

ooooh man there is SO MUCH to comment on in this whole thing! his name! the lie! the part where men wrote the bible! the part where he clearly doesn't know 'fallible' is also a word he could have used! the part where some churches don't like BOOKS THAT ARE SUPPOSEDLY PROOF OF WHAT THEY BELIEVE getting sold because the

This dad is an utter and complete psychopath. Abandons his daughter when she's very young, then when he meets her later and she has all these emotional problems that HE CAUSED he uses that to get close to her and fuck her. What a fucking piece of shit.

that's definitely what i said so good job

Man leaves daughter when she's 5. Man comes back into her life 10 years later. Man grooms daughter who shows the need for a father figure she's been lacking and has probably told about her discomfort with other men(probably in some part because the lack of a major male presence in her life). Sounds about right.


Um can we talk about the part where he had a girlfriend IN THE HOUSE who had him having sex with his 17 year old daughter and didn't call the cops??

I can relate to this though. I took online classes along with classes at my college and without fail some creep would look up my name on facebook and try to add me before we had even met. It's like the class roster is their new list of potential girlfriends. I seriously just want to finish my associates degree, okay

He's actually German Shepard. Which makes all this pretty impressive really.

I just started an business certificate course I was (and am!) really excited about, to kick off a career-change that I am also really excited about. About six weeks before the course started, the class website was released and we began the process of forming groups for a team project. Almost right off the bat, this

I'm regretting not finding this picture first

There is no gene. There is socialization that doesn't allow girls to outright express aggression, while it allows boys to do so. So girls resort to gossiping and backstabbing and ostracizing behavior to let out their aggression.

"I am pregnant and my right index finger is 12 inches long, AMA"

You're never going to get me to say anything bad about Tommy Craggs. The guy once sent me to Panama for a story and

Lawyer here. Yes, you're correct if Oklahoma is a one party state. The boy recording committed no crime and if he was not acting on behalf of law enforcement, it's not subject to the exclusionary rule (evidence obtained illegally by law enforcement cannot be used at trial).

Huh? It wasn't recorded by a police officer and Oklahoma is a one-party consent state, meaning it was recorded legally because one person in the conversation had knowledge the recording was being made. Lawyers jump in here and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you're correct.

I see this coming up a lot in the comments, but let's not forget the person talking is 14.

"It did not look like she was raped," says Amber. "It looked like she was screaming. If I wouldn't have known her side, then you never would've known."

Things were bearable for about a week, she says, and then "I messed up again. This time it was my fault." A group of boys came over to her house, and she performed oral sex on one. Another videotaped her without her knowledge, she says. "He showed the kids. Passed it around school. I was so, so embarrassed."

Reaching for the positive in this story: ROCK ON, OKLAHOMA KNITTING FEMINISTS.