Patcher Pup

Don’t worry. That exchange happened more than once the next day. And she was in a GREAT mood for the rest of the trip.


Went to St. Louis with some friends, around 2001-ish (I think). Stayed at the same hotel as a bunch of musicians in town for some MTV function (Rock ‘n Jock, maybe?). Met Ludacris in the elevator, he asked us if we would come down to the bar, and when we told him none of us were 21 he had some booze sent to our room.

You're hanging out on a women's interest site complaining about "female bitching and whining." You are fucking pathetic.

I suppose I should congratulate you on finding the perfect photo for this.

"We all have something in common!"

Let's hear some more about how all this Gamergate shit has to do with journalism ethics, and not garden variety misogyny. Well? I know at least a few of you gamergate dipshits are going to show up. Enlighten me.

Really? I can. People suck so very very much.

It's super important, that's for sure! Thank God dude bro is here to completely invalidate the experiences of every fucking woman on this thread.

Oh my God. I'm not saying you need the absurdly long, unfair, and racist prison sentences we hand down in America, but come the fuck on Australia, all that and this bastard was walking free?

"Celebrated Human Rights Lawyer Marries Actor."

How about just good, solid science, put together by SCIENTISTS, not politicians and fundie nuts with an agenda?

I have more "grown-up" books I've been working on, but last night I re-read a childhood favorite, The House With a Clock in Its Walls. I'm going to be passing it on to my oldest niece, who's been wanting more "spooky stories." What a great book!

Lil Bub, you are so much better than that corporate whore Grumpy Cat.

Dave Hogan, we should be friends. This was absurdly entertaining.

If there's anything good that could possibly come out of this awful situation, maybe it'll be that we come up with some basic standards for how to write about assault survivors.

"...and outline how it will restore the reputation of fraternities and students at the university."

74 gallons per pound?!? (looks guiltily at the three overripe avocados sitting on the counter)

That sounds really damn tasty. I have never fixed an omelette with goat cheese! I don't know why, but I plan on changing that soon. Any particular type you used, or just plain?

God damn pretty much everything today.