That quote from his dad at the end: "He was a great kid, and he didn't need any alarm clock to get up for school," he said. "People think of the projects and violence. But there are kids here who are going places. My son was."
That quote from his dad at the end: "He was a great kid, and he didn't need any alarm clock to get up for school," he said. "People think of the projects and violence. But there are kids here who are going places. My son was."
And he had been ordered to stay in the lobby. He was ORDERED to STAY IN THE LOBBY.
Holiday card? Or list of relatives to avenge?
Next time try a little harder to make your agenda less nakedly obvious, k?
Everyone needs to take five minutes out of their day and read the whole thing. He has some great things to say, particularly about politics and the shit in Ferguson.
I just wish I could tell her that being arrested means fuck-all. You did NOT do anything wrong!!
That was very interesting, thank you for sharing it!
What? You mean your store doesn't just keep merchandise around for kids to slobber on and otherwise destroy? You say your store staff isn't actually supposed to babysit people's kids so the parents can ignore them and do their shopping?
You'll be a fantastic mom, congratulations on your little one!
God, this shit is so depressing. Some parents and grandparents buy into this stuff so much it's crazy. I always try to buy my daughter gender-neutral toys, because my ex's mom is such a fucking baby-doll pusher. It's ridiculous how rigidly she enforces it, up to the point of taking toys out of her grandkids' hands if…
Perhaps. I would argue that we have failed black children in particular.
I'm sorry Marley. The grown-ups have failed you, and failed every black child.
Thank Goddess for my relatively liberal family. I told my parents I was going to a protest last night, and they said "Good for you, just stay safe. I don't want to see you on the nightly news." Now, my extended family, that's a different story....
I'm sitting here eating ice cream out of a huge bowl, and I'm calling it my "fuck-it bucket." I recommend doing the same. Well, no, what I recommend is getting up off our collectives asses and DOING SOMETHING, but right now I'm just so fucking depressed...
My God, you would weep if you could see the comments the locals in my area are leaving on this story. I know I'm pretty close to crying. Seriously, they're calling the protesters "animals" and shit. Were your white ancestors in Boston "animals" too? Because I'm pretty sure they tore some shit up to make their point...
Oh my God. That poor child. That poor mother. Your coworker is a gross human being.
Christ, do you actually think you're witty? Are you twelve?
Ooooh, I would love to hear all about this! Do tell!!! Like, what websites would he troll?
I would definitely have a private talk with his doctors about this radical personality change. My loved ones who had cancer could often be grouchy and crabby, but not to the extent that you're describing. No matter how much pain he is in, he doesn't have the right to be shitty and hateful to you. Hang in there, I'm…
Actually Chris, I don't think your "remorse" is obvious at all.