Patcher Pup

It's absolutely disgusting that victims of violent crime have to raise money to get their medical bills covered.

You know, I was *going* to say "geez, the dude stabbed him while he and his girlfriend were in a group of people? Like, multiple witnesses and potential defenders/retaliators? That's really intense. Maybe the stabber is a homeless person with a serious untreated mental illness, which would make this a double tragedy,

Lolz, can we please simultaneously laugh and bawl our eyes out at the comments from the linked article?

His cat's name is Babycakes. Babycakes is not to be trifled with.

That cat is the best cat to ever have catted.

If women don't like catcalling why don't they just stand up for themselves?

"I shall avenge you!"

The problem isn't earning money - it's earning money unjustly off the labor of others with no regard for the social good. Le Guin is an honest laborer who produces things of value, and deserves to be compensated for what she produces. Amazon, while it certainly provides a useful service and does deserve some

What you're doing here, really, is you're attacking her right to demand something most people would label as "simply being reasonable". The divine right of kings isn't reasonable, and neither is an economic system where gains are concentrated at the top. Amazon's treatment of Hachette wasn't particularly reasonable-

"We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable – but then, so did the divine right of kings."

"Draw me like one of your Orlesian Qunari."


It's not a test of the dog's mental agility, any more than his/her physical agility. Also, you're a dick.

No lie, a few months ago, on a whim, I auditioned for a cat agility reality show (which, yes, is apparently a thing) with my cat. During the first few rounds of auditioning she was more than happy to show off her skills and charm the pants off the judges. However, come time for the actual agility showdown, she ended

He knows you can't eat a trophy.

What I'm most surprised by is how Vladimir Putin finds the time to referee. That guy is everywhere.

A rocket booted cat is seen at the University the first time Hiro goes there. Just not Moshi.