In Just The Tips, Katy and Katie heed the siren song of "best life" advice in the realms of fashion, makeup, DIY,…
In Just The Tips, Katy and Katie heed the siren song of "best life" advice in the realms of fashion, makeup, DIY,…
I've seen that video. Hot dudes, poor production value.
Artisanal dildoes for days!
It bugs the shit out of me when people can't be self-aware about what they don't know. Look, I'm not going to try to fix my own car, because I'll just fuck it up. There are professionals whose skills I respect who can fix that shit. If you're a celeb who wants to start a ~lifestyle site~, the best sign you've got a…
Is there a parody site for this called "Perverse" yet? If not, why not? I nominate Kelly and Shrayber.
The clothes were simply the mask which let your cajones arise.
I will forever treasure Preserve's prose due to the glory that was "backyard-cum-feasting-hall."
Earlier this week, Blake Lively's Preserve posted an ode to the antebellum Southern belle, worthy of a teen circa…
I just watched the micro-penis episode of New Girl, so I'd like to say that we all have micro-penises. They may not be physical, but they are all there. My micro-penis is that I never finished college. This is not a serious comment for everyone boiling with rage right now.
I think it's okay to have a preference for dicks that are not small and further I don't really give a rat's what your penis thinks about small boobs or the fact that this was posted on Jez and there is no counterpart about gaping vaginas. Women are told by everyone and their mother both directly and indirectly that…
Nobody cares about your (tiny) stupid boner.
the actual condition is somewhat rare (about 1 out of 200 men, said Dr. Alukal)
The micropenis, a penis so small that it is "2.5 standard deviations below the mean" or slightly longer than an…
There are many reasons why the Confederate flag, seen by many as a symbol of hatred, shouldn't be hung outside…
This video is perfectly perfect in every way, except for the terrible Nintendo rip-off soundtrack. I suggest you put…
we are getting something going at Jez right now that is fairlllllly close to what you're talking about and i for one can't wait
Oh man, and the 1 star reviews on Amazon are even worse:
"Women's magazine?" If a regular "women's magazine" had pure espionage, tales of disguise, seduction, and secretly radical social justice, hell motherfucker yeah I'd read that shit.
Last month, New York Times bestselling author Karen Abbott published a nonfiction book called Liar, Temptress,…