Patcher Pup

The crab bucket really is such an underrated fine dining accessory.

I was bartending a shift for my restaurant's fifth anniversary when three uppity college girls came in and preceded to order elaborate, handcrafted cocktails all night. They were mostly just hanging out to win some of the prizes for our company's anniversary celebration plus snag free food. I mean, they're college

GamerGate: Because "We're trying to viciously bully a woman into committing suicide because she's a woman" is bad PR, so we're going with "We're trying to viciously bully a woman into committing suicide for important ethical reasons" instead!

I assume this is the same Adam Baldwin who compared gay marriage to incest?

"This anonymous (and typical) member of #Gamergate uses descriptors such as "ugly, acne-ridden" and "basement dwelling" to characterize how the rest of the world views other #Gamergate members. By deprecating the entire community under the guise of using "the enemy's words," they unite the entire group, and recruit

As I said to some friends while discussing it: 1) Why would you ever let Adam Baldwin name your "movement" if you'd spent five minutes seeing what a pile of garbage he spews on twitter? 2) It's never been about ethics; it's always been about rallying around a guy who decided he needed to "get his feelings out" by

It's actually worse than Zoe Quinn being the bridge too far. They're still largely ignoring the actually corruption between game news sites and the AAA studios and publishers, and targeting (almost exclusively) indie devs and individual reporters. (Almost everyone they target is either female or a man who they think

Just shut up. It is SO tiring to hear this defense of GamerGate. GamerGate is not some heroic defense of a lifestyle and valiant charge against ethical issues in reporting. It's a bunch of boys scared by women with a voice. And they respond to being scared by spewing out some of the most vile misogynistic crap I have

They're afraid of women for sure but deeper down lies a fear of losing their privilege.

Yes, that is clearly the biggest issue here. It's not the death/rape threats, it's the fact that you saw a totally sweet YouTube video that TOTALLY puts Anita Sarkeesian in her place and no one else is watching it. So sad. How hard it must be to be you.

A lot of things.

sunlight, women, cardio...

what exactly is the "feminist agenda"? To let women participate in the development process without being threatened with rape?

I'm planning on studying this kind of gate-keeping in the gaming community for my Master's thesis. The response you've received is honestly terrifying.

You don't HAVE "valid evidence", you moron. The only people being dishonest here are Gamerholes like you.

I don't get it. What are these people SO AFRAID OF

What's ridiculous is that gaming journalism has needed reform from fucking day one. I can't remember how long ago it was that Ubisoft stopped letting EGM have its games early because of a bad Assassin's Creed review.

Thanks for he Monday pick me up! I always look forward to it finally convinced my husband that servers do indeed intentionally crop dust customers for revenge. I worked in service for 10 years and never saw anyone spit in food; but a million anal salutes.