Nothing is worse than Subway. Nothing.
Nothing is worse than Subway. Nothing.
Statements like his are made every goddamn day by oafs whenever they are faced with the shocking thought of women occupying the same amount of space in media as men currently do. If you google "All male cast" you will find lists of hundreds of films, many blockbusters and oscar winners. "All female cast" will get you…
What about the Ghostbusters cartoon?
In a way that an all-male original cast was not?
Guess you missed the part where the original was written by a Black guy? Thanks for playing!
His comical sexism aside, he has a point about reboots continuing to cheapen and degrade franchises. Not that Ghostbusters is like some huge awesome franchise, but doing Ghostbusters 2014, with an all new storyline and all-new female cast, there is no reason you can't make it a sequel in spirit of the original.
No one cares what you think.
That is a 100% legitimate reason to be against this movie.
I don't actually disagree. I'm sick of these 80's movie remakes. I'll go see it and support it because it's a female-driven comedy but I wish the studios could just leave well enough alone.
It's cute how you even entertain the notion that Melissa McCarthy will not be in this movie.
Other things that aren't real: Ghosts, the Ghostbusters.
Not everyone is necessarily standing around. Getting an adult (over 18) into any sort of mental health treatment can be really hard, even if the person recognizes that they have a problem. There is still a huge stigma for a lot of people against going to therapy and taking medications - hell, I didn't believe the…
Welcome to Jezebel's wedding advice column, written by a bride on very powerful hallucinogens.
Oh don't get me wrong, I believe 100% she's been sexually abused, the writing's on the wall there. (Even if her parents weren't directly involved, I've thought for a long time something is gravely wrong in the Disney camp for so many of their child stars to grow up exhibiting symptoms of severe PTSD.) I'm just saying…
I really love and agree with what you have to say but it's important to acknowledge: Trauma can absolutely cause mental illness. Is it going to suddenly cause someone to have Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia? No. Can it exacerbate those things? Absolutely. Can trauma cause depression, anxiety, PTSD, and even eating…
Very much agree, but wondering about point 2 and something like PTSD. Can't people experience trauma, not know how/be able to emotionally process it, and deal with resulting feelings of anxiety/depression/etc.? (This is not to disagree with you, just trying to understand where trauma can fit into someone's emotional…
Quick preemptive strike: 3 thinks about mental health and sex abuse which you should consider before commenting.
I know, it's so sad. Shia LaBoeuf has also accused his parents of abuse and Jez is still treating his meltdowns as "wacky celebrity antics" (as they did with Amanda Bynes for a long time). I wonder how many breakdowns, overdoses and deaths it will take before we realize many of these ex-child stars are acting out from…
It's hard to tell whether this is a legit confession or part of her mental illness. As I recall obsessively Tweeting about people, calling them ugly and accusing them of sexual misconduct was part of the behavior that got her hospitalized in the first place. Her parents are also claiming they've been trying to get her…
I find it odd she said this stuff happened as a child yet she was going to try and record him on her cell phone? She's right about my age and cell phones didn't even have cameras or recording devices that I can remember until I was about 17. Not saying it didn't happen.. but it doesn't sound right.