Oh my god, some turd-wrangler in the comments is saying that is so his business how far along that fetus was, because if it was 24 weeks, it was ABANDONMENT!
Oh my god, some turd-wrangler in the comments is saying that is so his business how far along that fetus was, because if it was 24 weeks, it was ABANDONMENT!
Yes, sorry, I was thinking of another animal at the same time. Ugh. I have two. I should know better.
How hilarious (and gross) would it be if the cops were all making a big to do over some girl's really clumpy period blood?
you know what would be really nice? a free clinic that focused on sexual and reproductive help for low income people, or young people in need of a private, judgement free zone.
They described it as possibly having the appearance of a fetus. That is not consistent with the birth of a viable baby. Considering that they've got helicopters over this, they would certainly mentioned this if it was an abandoned baby. But they consistently used the word "fetus".
"Possible fetus."
Translated: We're not even sure it's a fetus, but we're sure it's more important than an (almost) adult human woman.
So it's her fault that she miscarried in a toilet. Oh, I see. If only she could have controlled her womb to prevent the expulsion of this child!
This is getting scary that you can be charged/prosecuted for having a miscarriage. If your body doesn't cooperate like it *should* and carry the fetus to term, be prepared to suffer consequences. As if you can even prevent a miscarriage or that a teenager would know what to do in that situation.
Fuck Texas; fuck anti-choicers; fuck "prayer" being part of a police investigation; fuck abstinence-centered sex education; and fuck leaving women in crisis (or, in this case, children in crisis!) with no viable options, letting them suffer alone, and then treating them like criminals for doing what they have to do.
Dallas police reportedly "swarmed" a high school after a "possible fetus" was found in the bathroom, and announced…
i think flowbee actually thinks it's LITERALLY every white man. i bet that's it. i bet that is exactly what she's saying.
Straight white American men view "rights" as a series of passes for them to do what they please to anyone else that isn't a straight white American man.
Team Cat Headquarters here,
Raccoons love the cat food.
I had to re-read that a couple times, because at first I thought "Wait you found a skunk having a smoke and a beer? But they don't have opposable thumbs!.....OH"
This is exactly how I first encountered a skunk. Sitting in the doorway having a beer and a smoke after painting the living room. "Oh, what a beautiful kitten... and such unusual markings... and that tail - oh shit."
A good friend of mine was outside smoking, sitting on her back patio that, at the time, had no lights. As she sat there, she felt something furry jump up beside her and she began to pet it, assuming it was her cat and not really paying much attention as Mr Kitty did this often. It wasn't until she looked down that she…
When I was a kid, we had two cats who came and went as they pleased via a cat door in our basement. Their names were…