Patcher Pup

Shutting your eyes and plugging your ears from what happens in the world doesn't make it go away. This is a sub blog.

Technically this is Foxtrot Alpha. A blog about war machines.

That's not what I said at all. I said that having money objectively makes many aspects of life easier, and to pretend otherwise is insulting to people struggling with boredom/loneliness on top of not having a house.

The meds thing really irked me (and still does). Sure, maybe don't overmedicate yourself to the point where you dream about dying in a plane crash and remain unfazed, but also DON'T JUST STOP TAKING YOUR MEDS BECAUSE YOUR BONER TELLS YOU TO.

Can I borrow five dollars?

Rubber bullets can kill too. They are less lethal not non lethal. And a launched gas grenade to the head will kill you as quick as a baseball bat or billyclub.

Watching the live feeds, restraint could have been straight saying "good night, protesters!" and walking away. A hundred people standing in the street chanting (for the police storm troopers posted there) did not need to be tear gassed. Holy shit. This all could be ended by the cops seriously investigating the death

Welcome to Post Racial America! I see you've flown with us before.

So let me get this straight: law enforcement doesn't dare fight Clive Bundy and his thugs, but unarmed protesters and journalists get the full armed brigade treatment.

The astounding realization that the FPD trying to kick out the media has resulted in this massive barrage of photos, videos, tweets, posts, stories, etc. is so amazing to me. What are you thinking, FPD? The only thing I could think is that these are a bunch of old, clueless people who don't really understand the

"Restraint" to Ferguson Police = Arresting journalists, lobbing tear gas at news trucks, shooting unarmed black teenager, firing tear gas and rubber bullets on peaceful demonstrators.

"We've done everything we can to demonstrate a remarkable amount of restraint."

I don't know if this will make it out of the greys but there are great photos of what's going on here.

I'm starting to see reports on Twitter from trusted sources (i.e. every time I hope they're wrong, they're not) saying that St. Louis alderman Antonio French has been arrested in Ferguson.

Kids wear diapers and use toilets. Dogs poop anywhere and everywhere they are allowed and do not wear diapers. I regularly step in dog poo (I hope) when I walk down the sidewalk and in parks. Rarely do I see children squatting and taking a dump in front of my mailbox while their parent pretends to be distracted and

You can't leave a child alone whilst you go off to work, that's what swung having a dog for me.

A few thoughts after many years on the Gawkerverse:

Jessica, I am so proud of you for standing up for your site, your authors and your commenting community.