Patcher Pup

The last place I worked, the top sales rep was a woman. She took some maternity leave, as you do, after several years at the company and after earning the company literally tens of millions of dollars. While she was gone, management audibly bitched and moaned about how awful she was for "abandoning" them (for three

Maybe not to spite the mourners but it was a stupid response. They should have stationed themselves a street or so back. It wouldn't have hampered them much to not be directly involved with the vigil after their department was the reason for the gathering in the first place. They represented their earlier violence by

It was a show of force directed at the vigil.

What?? Seriously, what are you smoking? The news report (not me) said that things "turned violent" then here I read that there were 2 very separate instances (the looting didn't happen at the vigil) , so I'm seeking clarification, and you think I'm endangering children?

The way it was reported on the news this morning was that the vigil "turned violent" - don't blame me! I was just seeking clarification. Unless you WANT to fight with someone for no reason? Da fuck is wrong with everyone today?

I believe the police showed up in the swat gear prior to the looting. People will argue that the looting did happen (by a minority of attendees), so the cops were right to do so. More rational people would say that it's one thing to be prepared for what might go wrong, quite another to get geared up for a fight and

SWAT teams along with attack dogs arrived long before looting began. To a peaceful protest that included children.

I totally agree. When a teenager gets gun downed in the street, the response—the nitpicking shit. I don't know. I just don't know what to say but there are ways that people are denying his humanity, which in turns, erodes theirs.

The craziest thing to me in the aftermath of these killings is how accepting most people are of the militarization of the police. I fully expect that when video footage is found (dashcam or otherwise), Mike Brown will have done nothing that could warrant a reaction with fatal force, but people will still look and

Good for you. Next time you go, strap this 97 y/o to your back.

You, on the other hand, appear to be losing the fight against the commenting system.

People: I'm pretty sure the part about bondage is simply acknowledging that it exists, rather than detailed instructions on how to properly clean and maintain your gimp suit.

Just read this in another article:

Hey, I like to allow extra time for jumpy teens fearing their mom will sneak up on them.

The referenced article is basically useless because it gives no real information about what the offensive material in the book actually is beside "offensive." This article actually describes the images the above reporter said were "too shocking for TV" (what is is this, Girls Gone Wild?)

A sex-ed book on common sexual practices? NO FUCKING WAY! BURN THE BOOK! BURN IT!

My point is, it's out there. Kids know it is exists. I don't see anything wrong with using a textbook that touches on the subject. And it's a single paragraph, according to KPIX. Throwing out the whole book is exactly how you get kids that don't know their vagina from their urethra.

Kelly - Thank you so much for sharing this! This is such an important project, and I love that they are inviting the public to help this year (citizen science!). Plus, puffins!