Patcher Pup

Please go to hell. Just go. Do not come back from the pits of hell. You belong there. Enjoy your stay in hell.

At one point they had her car surrounded and were asking her to leave the vehicle and she put it in reverse, floored it, nearly hit the cops who were surrounding her and then sped off at 80mph down Pennsylvania Avenue. I saw the video footage. She had an opportunity to surrender and get out of the car but instead she

Sorry, I'm not clear- are you talking about the danger that wildly speculating pundits cause to our neighborhoods? Or the people who spread misinformation about mental health issues? Or the lawmakers who continually ignore the need for social reform that helps people with mental illness?

She rammed the gate at the White House, fled the cops past two barricades, and was headed toward the Capitol. I think that if you're the Metro Police, at that point you have to assume the worst (suicide bomber or similar).

"Did the cops really have to shoot Carey?"

The wet seal on my eyeballs broke is all!

I have never in my life even entered a Wet Seal store, but I think I'm going to go buy a t-shirt or something from them this weekend. Good job, Wet Seal PR people (I mean that most sincerely.)

I know — hand that girl a salad! She'd be the best stock photo ever taken!

She says it's "biker chick," and while I have no idea where she got that phrase from

This is wonderful! And I'm totally not crying.

Damn, she has the 'head tilt while laughing' look nailed.

Beautiful. That is all.

Okay, this is too much. she is too flippin cute. I'm so stoked for Karrie right now. What a spunky kid.

What a beautiful young lady! I really envy her haircut, man....

Believe me, plenty of us here in the US think it's crazy, too. This is dumber than anything in Idiocracy.

All it did for me is make me grind my teeth for two days straight. Which, for some strange reason, didn't seem to result in any sex-butt or otherwise.

Helluva drug.

I wonder if this works with all viruses then? A relative of mine died very young b/c an otherwise run-of-the-mill flu virus attacked his heart tissue, causing him to basically be bed-ridden for the last few years of his life until he died at age 30. He was known to use coke and take pills, and those are blamed as the

Well, sometimes you just need to rub a bit of that Bolivian Shale on the hole to get it nice and relaxed. I mean, not like I know or anything, I just read it on the internet. I swear.

Cocaine never made me want to have sex. It only ever made me want to ramble to whoever would listen about how misunderstood/brilliant I am.