I actually pumped my fist and said "Yes!" to Vicodin triumphing over Valium. Perhaps I need to sit down and evaluate my choices in life.
I actually pumped my fist and said "Yes!" to Vicodin triumphing over Valium. Perhaps I need to sit down and evaluate my choices in life.
Ah, it would be wonderful if this were true: "You're a woman, and there's no way in the world you're going to vote for somebody that's going to try to tell you what to do with your body." Unfortunately we all know that many women don't give a damn about "all those other whores." The "screw you I got mine" mentality…
Filthy creature!
Some of the comments on that article are INSANE. "The world is against Christians. . .the media is out to ruin the reputation of Christians and Christian schools. . ."
This right here, this is why I will NEVER support the death penalty. Too many mistakes are made, innocent people HAVE been executed.
Nah, you just need to make friends with the dismiss button! :)
I can't recommend this enough. Is there anything the players' union can or should do? A crash course in finances maybe?
No. This is not racism. There is no troubling history of black folks using whiteface to oppress and marginalize whites. It may be silly and in poor taste, but it ain't racist. Not at all.
If the schools around here make good on their threat to teach creationism as science, I will take a serious look at homeschooling, at least for a year.
It really is a shame your teachers didn't give you more homework over spring break.
It's spring break for the high schools in my area. . .I expect more silly, childish, and troll-y posts this week.
No, the best is the person saying "What was THAT?!" As if you don't know.
Mmmm, not necessarily. My wisdom teeth were coming in sideways and they had to do extensive cutting into my jaw to remove them. Anything less than full anesthesia would have been a bad idea.
And now that he's an adult there's probably even less that anyone can do to help him. I'm so sorry.
Social Services didn't do anything even after the school reported it?! Wow. I'm used to hearing about family service agencies being incompetent here in the states, is it really bad in the UK too? Is there a lot of red tape and hassle involved or are we just talking garden-variety ineptitude?
"It is not illegal to make your kid stupid." Well it ought to be! Your poor nephew, I can't even imagine. :(
I love how many of them immediately look to their owners. "Mom, Dad, NOW WHAT?! I mean, did you see what this guy just DID?!"
Aw, Amanda Bynes DOES look good. Best of health to her.
Mmmhmm, I'm sure that your officially approved and sanctioned DPRK tour wasn't also filled with utter BS. You do know that you saw only the things they wanted you to see, right?